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Investment Bank 1st interview

发布网友 发布时间:2024-05-29 14:29



热心网友 时间:2024-06-19 18:55

Usually Company will ask you the following questions:

Why do you apply the job?

Can you introduce yourself in English/Mandarin?

Do you know what is our pany doing?

What examinations have you taken in the past related to Finance Industry?

What are your strengths and weaknesses?

Why should we hire you?

What obstacles have you faced in your previous job?

What is your previous job about? Can you explain?

How do you perceive the Hong Kong economy?,If it is a graduate position, they would ask petency questions such as:
Why do you want to work in XX bank?
What is your strength and weakness?
Have you ever taken risk before?
*Tell me a news from today. (be prepared with this)

A lot of them are covered by other recipients already.

However, if this is an experienced role / junior *** yst role, then you may expect some technical questions even in the first round. eg:
Which financial book did you read recently?
Draw the graph of P/L against Option price
What is alpha / beta values.

If this is a technology role, you may expect some programming tests too.,at my RBS first round, they asked me

Why RBS?
Why investment banking?
Can u say 3 things about us?
Wht is ur long term goal?
Wht is ur previous job?
Wht r the difficulties in that job and how u overe it?
Did u join any society at ur uni?
Wht role r u hving in that society?
Give me 1 example how you persuade some 1 in the past?
Which division that u r applying or Y u choose this division?

can't remember exactly, but last for 45 mins. Since it's only the first round, HR is the only interviewer, they won't normally ask u some technique stuff or brainteaser. hope u can get it through.,参考: myself,
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