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发布网友 发布时间:2024-05-29 13:05



热心网友 时间:2024-05-31 23:20



You can make frineds at school 在学校你可以交到新的朋友
You can learn new knowledge at school 在学校你可以学到新知识
You can take exercise and maintain good health at school 在学校你可以多运动保持好的身体
You can take part in volunteer work at school 在学校你可以参加义工活动服务社会

You can't run after each other at school 在学校不允许追逐搞打
You can't fight at school 在学校不允许打架
You can't be rude to others at school 在学校不允许对别人不礼貌
You can't make noise in classes at school 在学校课堂上不允许大声喧哗

热心网友 时间:2024-05-31 23:22

 You  can  take  exercise   in the school  gym .

You  can borrow books from the  school  library .

You  can   join the   Student's Union  .

You can  use the lab  to conduct experimemts  .

You can't  speak   loudly in the library

You  can't  bring  cellphones  to  school .

You can't  enter  the  teachers' office  without permission .

You can't  take the magazines  out of the reading room .

热心网友 时间:2024-05-31 23:18

You can sleep at 22 clock,but cannot posterior to 23 clock;
you can get up at 7 clock,but cannot posterior to 8 clock.

热心网友 时间:2024-05-31 23:22

家规:I can help my mom do housewrok. I can help my grandma cooking .校规:I can't speak Chinese in English class.

You can't run after each other at school 在学校不允许追逐搞打 You can't fight at school 在学校不允许打架 You can't be rude to others at school 在学校不允许对别人不礼貌 You can't make noise in classes at school 在学校课堂上不允许大声喧哗 ...


You can't take the magazines out of the reading room .


英文版:School rules are not only the basis for a school to manage students, but also the reason for the long-term development of a school. With school rules, we can make the whole school more orderly.The standardized management of the school is inseparable from the school rules...


wee to our school.there are some school rules.you can't talk in class.and you must listen to teathers.you can't eat in the classrooms or the hallways.you can't listen to music in the classrooms.you can't fight with your clas *** ates.you can't be late for class.please remember...


because my parents think the food outside is unhealthy. Third, I can't go out alone after school, I must go out with my parents. Fourth, I must finish my homework before 8 in the evening . Fifth, I am ...


使用“can”和“can't”写作文可以遵循以下步骤:1. 确定主题和要表达的观点:首先,要明确作文的主题和想要表达的观点。例如,如果要写一篇关于旅行的文章,那么主题就是旅行,要表达的观点可能是旅行的乐趣、需要注意的事项等。2. 列出主题的要点:在开始写作之前,可以列出文章要涉及的主要观点和要点...


2 Don't take your phones to school3 Don't be late4 Don't talk in class5 Don't eat in class6 Help each other7 Finish your schoolwork on time8 Wear your sport shoes in gym class9 Finishi your work by yourself10 Don't fight with others11 Don't run or shout in the classrooms12...


关于家规英语作文1 My parents are very strict.Because I have so many family rules.For example,i can't go out with my friends at school nights.On weekends, i have to go home before nine p.m. It's strict, but i think it's necessary.And i must finish my homework in ...


4. 用can,can't,could和couldn't写一篇关于自己的英语短文 I like playing basketball very much and i can play it very well. But I can't swim. last night I had a dream. In the dream I could swim very fast. but Tom ,My best friend, who is good at swimming, couldn't...


day must wear school uniforms 走廊内禁止跑跳The corridor is forbidden in the running and jumping 同学之间互相团结Students unite 每天认真做间操Every day do room fuck 不随手扔垃圾Do not throw rubbish everywhere 这些都是我自己想的哦,家规想了半天,校规再说一百条都没问题哦 ...

must和can造5个句子 用can造句5个 用can造句10个 用can’t造句 用can造否定句 deccan造句 i can't can't怎么读 changyou造句
小米6X怎么把应用转到分身里去。 电脑开机时风扇都能转,就是显示屏显示无视屏输入。重启也没有用 我的电脑开机后只有风扇会转其它都没反应这是怎么回事 二十岁了女生还可以长高吗求大神帮助 二十岁了 还有可能长高吗?有什么方法??? ...说玛卡巴卡的意思 男生说晚安玛卡巴卡是什么意思 男生发晚安玛卡巴卡什么意思 法式碎花裙怎样搭配才能展现出优雅知性的美感? 早秋有哪些随性慵懒的法式风穿搭思路值得借鉴? 法式风格的红裙如何搭配才能凸显出高级感? 伊利大果粒酸牛奶(草莓&桑葚)的热量是多少? 赤道上的地磁场可以看成南北方向的匀强磁场,磁感应强度大小B=0.5乘以... 在地球赤道表面附近,一束电子流自东向西水平射出,在不计重力的情况下... 在赤道上,地磁场可看成是沿南北方向的匀强磁场,磁感应强度的大小是0.... 谈一谈故乡的粽子的味道? 苏州粽子在味道上有哪些特点? 西安建筑科技大学的博士生相宜是真的吗? 用说是⋯⋯其实⋯⋯是造句 说是造句 自制的面膜能放冰箱里吗 立夏出生的女孩命好吗吉利名字精选 出生在立夏女宝宝取什么名字好听大气的女生起名 感冒,鼻子不通气,流黄绿鼻涕,头痛,眼睛下面的骨头一按就痛,嘴巴里左边... 立夏出生的女孩名字大全清新爽朗 ...只是感冒左边脸 左边鼻子堵塞 左手臂冷 头的左边不舒服 好怪哦_百... 安吉县递铺街道创客汇电商创业园属于哪个区 两个线圈通入大小相等方向相反的电流,线圈受力大小 宝宝过敏性咳嗽该吃什么好 顺治是孝庄的儿子吗 顺治是孝庄的亲生儿子吗 如何从失去发小的悲伤中走出来? pr导出什么格式最清晰我想上抖音上发pr导出视频格式选什么抖音_百度知... pr导出mp4格式的4k选什么pr导出mp4格式选哪个最清晰 委托设计合同格式 怎样评价 美剧行尸走肉里的莫尔,感觉最后他是英雄式的牺牲。? 美剧《行尸走肉》角色大全 劳瑞 侯登在《行尸走肉第四季》中扮演哪个角色? 行尸走肉 喜欢哪个角色 云南有哪些传统美食可以推荐? ...每天下午训练3小时,求一周3餐合理饮食食谱,少吃什么,详细些谢谢... 活血化瘀的口服药 轻率造句 力量训练该怎么搭配饮食? 力量训练后的饮食应该如何安排? 境外怎么用支付宝付款呢? 64男龙与63年女兔相配 柱斑木遁的妙用 卤肉加热仍然保持口感的方法有哪些? 本次apec会议水立方晚宴上的英文翻译是谁 什么是第三方管理?公关公司的活动策划方案及预算制定如何具体操作?_百度...