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发布网友 发布时间:2024-05-29 12:34



热心网友 时间:2024-05-30 19:43

It lies in the Yangtze River Delta in the southwest of China and is well known to people as “the land of fish and rice”. It is also called the pearl of Taihu Lake. Nowadays, it has become one of the most famous places of great interest. Not only the Taihu Lake, but also those film shooting bases such as Tang City, shuihu Town and threekingdom City have already attracted a lot of tourists.

热心网友 时间:2024-05-30 19:43


In the past two decades, Wuxi, a small place, but now has developed into a modern metropolis, now all the people of Wuxi had a happy and prosperous life. 介绍无锡的英语作文“烟花三月下扬州”这句诗告诉我们农历三月,也就是现在的四、五月份,扬州有着江南春天花红柳绿的美景。我去的地方虽然不是...


无锡电头渚英文介绍如下:Yuantouzhu,located in the southwest of Wuxi City,is a peninsula on the bank of Taihu Lake,where a huge rock protrudes itself into the lake,which appears as if a turtle is floating in water,raising its head,so the place got the name.Turtlehead lsle is...

求一篇家乡无锡的英语作文 150字左右 简单点的

My hometown is in Wuxi, Jiangsu. It lies in the Yangtze River delta in the southwest of China and is well-known to people as “the land of milk and honey”, making Wuxi one of the most famous places of interest in China. The city is very large in size, it covers an a...

my hometown wuxi的英语作文

My hometown Wuxi is a very beautiful city, I like it very much.There are four seasons in a year. They are spring, summer, autumn and winter. Among them, I like spring best, because it’s warm and usually sunny, I can go ...


it borders Zhejiang Province and has bank of 35km along the Yangtze.Wuxi is a famous city with a long history in southern china. As early as 3000 years ago (end of 11th century BC ), in order to give the throne to his brother Jili, Taibo, the eldest son of the Emperor ...


I often go to the library to buy books,pay the cashier that in the little girl is me!我的家乡在广州,这里有很多高楼大厦,还有美味的老火靓汤,这里的公园又大又美,草长得又绿又多,树长得又高又挺拔,花儿开得又鲜艳又美丽.这里还有全国最大的购书中心,我经常去图书馆买图书,那个在收银台...


My hometown in wuxi. Sand everywhere there before, very desolate.Traffic blocking。 Now ,the railway connecting the capital,there is very beautiful. In the middle of the village there is a small river before. Middle Creek has a pond with lotus in full bloom, there are many ...

luke 在无锡旅游,他想了解无锡这一城市的情况英语作文

The overall living environment as first-tier cities so fast-paced, nor so leisure city.饮食多元化,本帮菜,川菜,湘菜,广东菜都有。Dietary diversification, local cuisine, Sichuan, Hunan, Guangdong dishes have.服装和鞋你到无锡商业大厦、八佰伴、三阳百盛转一圈,从奢侈品到一般品牌都能购齐...



写无锡景色的英语作文 50字左右有翻译

My hometown is Xiamen.I was born there twelve years ago.Now I live in Fuzhou,the capital of Fujian Province.Xiamen is a beautiful city that many people visit there.The whole city is clean and tidy.I lived in downtown.It’s near to the port,where is the busiest place,becaus...

关于无锡的英语作文 介绍无锡的英语作文 我的家乡无锡英语作文 写一篇介绍无锡的英语作文 无锡的景点英语作文 介绍无锡美食的英语作文 关于家乡的英语作文 关于健康的英语作文 介绍家乡无锡的英文
苏州一级建造师能买吗? 我是苏州2013一级建造师考生,9月15日最后一门考试把身份证忘在课桌上... 二级建造师 报名 现场确认些什么 会不会问你工作内容什么的,试探你是否... 根据我国《刑法》的规定,下列属于公共财产的是()。 苏州一级建造师报名时间是不是已经过了,要是没有赶上,今年还能有什么其 ... 盗取国家公共财产罪 我是苏州2013一级建造师考生,9月15日最后一场把身份证忘在考场了,我... 二级建造师网上报名已经通过'请问现场初审能找人代替吗我在苏州报名的... 什么是刑法中规定的公共财产,公民私人所有的财产 犯罪构成要件公私财物是什么? bc端联动是什么意思? bc端是什么意思? 根据我国《收养法》的规定,收养关系成立的必要程序是 收养关系成立的条件这些收养行为不具有法律效力 木瓜奇迹圣导师加点怀旧木瓜奇迹圣导师怎么加点 木瓜奇迹圣导师怎么加点厉害木瓜奇迹圣导师怎么加点 支付宝车牌付功能如何开通和使用? 支付宝车牌付如何开通和使用? 何谓自发性酮症酸中毒,请详细解释 停工项目,如果钢筋外露,用低标号混凝土包裹钢筋可以防止生锈吗 ...说早饭后喝和睡觉前喝,我想知道,吃过早饭多久才能吃药啊,谢谢啦... 吃了菜豆腐稀饭多久能喝西药 月经期间能吃什么肉好,更年期吃安宫黄体酮什么时候来月经 一氧化碳中毒脑损伤能康复吗 脑损伤还能恢复吗? 《易经》十段哪十段 烤全羊需要注意什么? 特色美食茴香生煎包怎么做好吃又简单,做 我想开一个太阳能发电板的门市 可行吗 "世界七大奇迹"是哪七大奇迹,为什么要成为七大奇迹. 金价暴跌过吗 立夏大豆种植时间大豆种植时间是什么时候 立夏播种时间及方法立夏播种时间及方法是什么 立夏播种的时间关于立夏播种的时间 帝国时代4哪个国家最适合新手玩家:游戏指南 帝国时代4pve地图全解析:攻略分享 帝国时代4有什么国家好玩的:推荐好玩的国家选择 帝国时代4什么国家好玩:玩家推荐的最佳国家选择 帝国时代4有哪些时代好玩:游戏时代选择指南 帝国时代4哪个国家最强大:各国优势对比分析 acer的电脑贵吗_acer性价比高吗 有期徒刑和刑事拘留有差别吗 哈尔滨华德学院改名 凯和煊能组成语吗? 谦逊和谦虚有什么区别? 19岁出来工作的一般什么学历 19岁学历什么才合理 怎样自制烤箱烤虾片如何自制烤箱烤虾片 请大家帮忙,19岁中专学历的男生今后该怎么走? 男,19岁,中专学历,做哪方面的工作?