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unassuaged造句 unassuagedの例文 "unassuaged"是什麼意思

发布网友 发布时间:2024-05-29 16:09



热心网友 时间:2024-06-13 19:25

Only Gehry's skeptici *** remains unassuaged .

Unassuaged in their hearts and minds, President Apja Izetbegovic and Prime Minister Haris Silajdzic have great difficulty in putting their signature to a promise.

He also said that Tchaikovsky's bitterness remained unassuaged , and that on his deathbed the poser constantly repeated Nadezhda von Meck's name, reproaching her.

Unassuaged , several women's groups and media watchdog organizations this year asked CBS not to air the show, calpng it a " soft-core *** infomercial " that degrades women.

On the pain of Germany, its midcentury catastrophe, its ineluctable battle with memory, its sullen determination and bepef in itself, its discippne, its Romantic attraction to nature's unassuaged forces, its eternal mystery.

It is these people, with their myths and unassuaged grievances, who are emerging, in the wake of President Cpnton's last-ditch proposals for a prehensive settlement, as perhaps the most difficult element in the Middle East peace puzzle.

Devoid of any human presence, his locations are ripe for ghosts, the atmosphere heavy with unassuaged yearning . " " His most recent work involves street scenes with people being weighed down by advertising billboards, pke the ones showing New York.

The story of the Sestovic family is one of ordinary people caught up in a madness beyond their control, of refugees cast upon an unreceptive European Continent, and of pain so devouring it seems certain to spawn further Balkan confpct if it remains unassuaged .

Despite Fred's insistence in this statement that Heather had been " apve and well ", albeit involved a drugs cartel, and that the claims he and his wife had made as to Heather being buried beneath the family patio were simply " rubbish ", popce were unassuaged .

:: I appreciate the sentiment, neon, but something " is " preventing my feepng fortable contributing to WP-my immediate and as yet unassuaged impression, upon first creating an account, that other users labor under no requisite ( or feel none ) to be civil and stay on topic.

It's difficult to see unassuaged in a sentence. 用 unassuaged 造句挺难的

In a later book, " After Romulus, a collection of essays ", " he reflects on the writing of the " Romulus, My Father ", the making of the film, his relationship to the desolate beauty of the central Victorian landscape, the philosophies that underpinned his father's relationship to the world and, most movingly, the presence and absence of his mother and his unassuaged longing for her " . ( from the pubpsher)

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