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急!急!急!求一篇英语作文。名字为:my favourite food 字数在60...

发布网友 发布时间:2024-05-29 17:02



热心网友 时间:2024-05-31 20:11

My Favorite Food

Tea egg, my best friend for breakfast, possesses the fragrance of tea mixed with the flavor of yolk and white. The fragrance of tea in the morning makes me feel emerged in the imaginary woods. Every time when I smell its flavor, I feel as if I am taking a stroll in the forest. The attractive flavor of yolk and white appears to let me experience the source of life deeply. Eating tea eggs with such characteristics as both natural plants and animals gives me the messages, “Here comes a totally new day!”. A charming tea egg for my breakfast along with a cup of tea awaken me like a nearby alarm clock, and as well open the door to my mind in the morning.

My Favorite Food

I like many different kinds of food, eggs is my favorite kind. Egg is contains a lot of essential nutrients needed by the human body, and it's commonly found in almost any part of the world.
Eggs are oval shaped spheres with a light brown color depending on the egg.Eggs is the basic ingredient to many dishes, like omelet and french toast. You can easily get eggs at any supermarkets, and they are sold for a very cheap price too. After the eggs are acquired, it is best to crack it open into a pan or plate and stir it evenly. If the egg is to be pan fried, then just crack the egg into the boiling pan, and remember to flip sides.
Eggs contain lots of nutrients and is a very good source of energy. Soldiers used to carry eggs to the frontline as their food. Egg is my favorite kind of food.


热心网友 时间:2024-05-31 20:13

my favourite food is ···

热心网友 时间:2024-05-31 20:16


热心网友 时间:2024-05-31 20:14

apple is my favourite food.it is ....
......l like apple very much!
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