safely first
the safety is the first
急急急!!!求翻译!!! 帮忙吧“安全第一”翻译成英文!谢谢!!急啊!!_百...
Safety First
...A:要上课了 B:我们快走吧。 帮帮忙,救救急,亲!!!翻译成英文...
B:我们快走吧。Let's go quickly.
这个太诗意了。。翻译英文很难那么精确。。不过我真的尽力了,每一句都是用心想的。My love for you,has always been as much as I can lied to me,my heart broke of your fake promises.Wind blows my life to pieces in the afternoon,you remain silent,seems tired of giving y...
蝴蝶虾 Butterfly shrimp 脆炸海虾Crispy fried shrimp 脆皮炸香蕉Crispy fried banana 泡椒凤爪Chicken Feet with Pickled Peppers 鸡米花 Chicken rice flower 红油猪耳 Oil fournieri 酸辣鸡胗 Hot and sour chicken gizzard 腰果牛排 Cashew steak 椒盐鸡脆骨 Salt and pepper chicken gristle 香辣牛肉干...
...中翻英 拜托了 !!! 以下句子急需要翻成英文!!!
真的对我的帮助很大It really helped me a lot.第二今天天气阴阴的,但没有下雨,也没有特别冷Today the weather overcast, but no rain, it is not particularly cold所以我们就带孩子们出去散步了,但没想到在散步去公园的路上,开始下雨了So we took the children out for a walk, but did not expect to...
of my deceased father. He hugged me and cried. I was truly moved. Your voice is the voice of my roots. We and my wife really enjoyed the sentimental yourney. We only hope we could in the not too distant future reciprocate your kindness. 我们的去中国的旅程充满情绪.谢谢你...
翻译 急~~~ 在线等 中文翻译英文
那我要怎么做你才能原谅我。Then what can I do to make you forgive me?没有你的世界里。时间,金钱对我来说并不存在。In a world without you, time and money do not exist any more.我知道世界上没有后悔药,经过4年的经历,希望我们能都给对方一个机会。I understand that there is no...
please pay attention to you behavior.You,a sop who doesn't dare to discover his face, how can you critisize me? Have a look at yourself,you can not compare with me except your terrible weight. Please,critisize others after your study pass,Ok?
他以轻柔而清晰的声音说道:“谢谢,小姐。你是个好人,定会有好报。”(译注:这里按照中文的习惯译的,没有直接译成保佑之类的)“You’re welcome, Sir.” She replied. “And my name is Mary, I’ll be back in a moment, and if you need anything at all in the meantime, just ...