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...there was\wasn't there were\weren't造句吗?

发布网友 发布时间:2024-05-29 13:41



热心网友 时间:2024-06-04 09:05

1. There is a hospital behind my house.
否定:There isn't a hospital behind my house.

2. There are many students on the playground.
否定:There aren't many students on the playground.

3. 1)There was a tiger in the forest long long ago.
2)There wasn't a book on my table just now.

4. There were a lot of students in the classroom yesterday.
否定:There weren't a lot of students in the classroom yesterday.

热心网友 时间:2024-06-04 09:08

...there was\wasn't there were\weren't造句吗?

2)There wasn't a book on my table just now.刚才我桌子上没有书。4. There were a lot of students in the classroom yesterday.否定:There weren't a lot of students in the classroom yesterday.昨天在教室里面(没)有很多学生。参考资料:原创回答团(第159号会员)...

帮帮我 用“was”“wasn't”“were”“weren't”“is”“are”各造一...

She was a teacher.There was a swing before.这两句的否定式就用“wasn't” 过去时(单数)They were students .These were red trees.这两句的否定式就用“weren't”过去时(复数)“is”“are 分别是现在时的 单、复数 就简单多了 ...


He wasn't at home just now .他刚才不在家。They weren't playing basketball at that time.

5.Find the differences and say. A:There was/wasn'

A:There was/wasn't…/There were/weren't…B:There is/isn't…/There are/arent 这两组句型进行描述,我先做个小提示吧,你肯定就会了。Before the city construction reform plan ,there were many houses beside the park.But after ,there aren't any more.Our citypark is now larger t...


2、Where was your father in 1996? Was he in England?No, he wasn't. He was here in China.3、Where were you on March 1st? Were you at school?No, I wasn't. I was at home.4、Where were they in November? Were they in Austria?No, they weren't. They were in Turkey....

There be 句型的句子肯定,否定

肯:There is/was/are/were 否:There isn't/wasn't/aren't/weren't There is a dog 这里有一只狗 There isn't a dog 这里没有一只狗


他们都是过去式,在主语后,是is,isn't,are,aren't的过去式 was和wasn't主语是第三人称单数形式,如he,she,it等等,而were,weren't是第一二人称和第三人称复数形式,如they,I,you等等

there be句型有哪些?

书柜里面和桌子上有很多书。4、There are many clothes in my bedroom.我的卧室有很多衣服。5、There is a beautiful picture on the wall.墙上有一幅漂亮的画。There be结构用法:There be结构是英语中陈述事物客观存的常用句型,表示“有”,其确切含义是“存在”,there作为引导词,本身没有意义,...

用“there was.there were”的句型翻译

1.有一大座桥。there was a bridge.2.有一个码头吗?是的,有。was there a wharf ? yes,there was.3.有很多工厂吗?不,没有。were there many factories?no,there weren't 4.有很多高速公路。there were many highways.5.有很多隧道和地铁。 there were many tunnels and railways....


there aren't.3.There was a book store.Was there a book atore? Yes,there was./No,there wasn't.4.There were a lot of fish.Were there a lot of fish? Yes,there were./No,there weren't.5.There are my friends.Are there your friends?Yes,there are./No there aren't....

there aren't were there any there was an there were there isn't there went was there there is a there t
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