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(跪求!!!) 请翻译高人或写英文商业书信的高手帮忙一下. 怎样把下列的...

发布网友 发布时间:2024-05-29 15:42



热心网友 时间:2024-06-07 02:59

1. For your settlement of claim, we can't bear all the responsibilities, if we are indeed responsible for the claim, we shall certainly compensate your loss.

2. Due to the serious damage of the machine, shipment may be delayed.

3. Hereafter, we have never received any of your indications to this matter, so we think that you have agreed to the delivery of cargo.

4. 至於货物的质量或许比起以前的水平略有不及,但完合符合合约定的标准.
4. Concerning the quality of the cargo may be slightly worse than before, yet it is completely up to the contracted standard.

5. We still plan to grant you a 5% allowance/discount, and we hope this concession can be the satisfactory solution to the problem.

热心网友 时间:2024-06-07 02:55

1. For your claim, we can't bear all the responsibility, if it is our responsibility, we can compensate you loss.
2. Due to serious damage, shipment may machine delay.
3. Since then we received your reply to this matter again any instructions, so think you have agreed to delay in delivery.
4. As for the quality of the goods perhaps than previous level, but not after a close and agreed with the standard.
5. We still going to give 5% discount/discount, hope this concession can successfully solve the problem.

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(跪求!!!) 请翻译高人或写英文商业书信的高手帮忙一下. 怎样把下列的...

5. We still plan to grant you a 5% allowance/discount, and we hope this concession can be the satisfactory solution to the problem.

...于自己英语水平. 所以求助高手 劳烦为我翻译一下.大恩不言谢了...

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Kindly, e-mail the MTCN of the fund once the payment is done.You will have to email me,the sender full name,The exact amount sent on the receipt after the transfer.还有,再拜托,如果你已经寄了钱,请通过电子邮件把MTCN(MTCN即Money Transfer Control Number,即汇款监控号)寄给我。


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