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发布网友 发布时间:2024-03-18 19:56



热心网友 时间:2024-04-05 14:01

Some time ago in a newspaper to see the teacher on the deeds of Bangladesh introduced the second winter, but it is only browser, the recent use of the National Day holiday period, I seriously, hard to read a lot of teachers Biography Meng, Beijing University of colleagues, mentors, Shihezi students, Beijing University, as well as family doctors, the time of the Second General Secretary Hu Jintao to Meng Meng Fei Dong daughter's letter, I can not calm the mood for a long time, in today's filled with all kinds of temptations of the times, their teachers and Bangladesh prompted us to uphold the extraordinary spirit of teachers to rethink: what kind of teachers? Teachers what to do?
To abandon a comfortable life, three of Beijing University, is筒子楼a living for eight years, a "sink down", "may get bored," the scholar; "a good lesson for each" stop their rostrum, a willing lonely , the teachers are hard-working and down-to-earth; own initiative until the teaching was on the podium, a high morale of the brave people's ladder, there is no thunderous legend, not rhetoric, not conceited and slack, and some do as the plot is gentle, Some just do, day-to-day things tough and unassuming, not retreat恬淡name Bangladesh teachers are the reason why people think he is extraordinary because he has always been a normal heart with good faith contacts and the people around, he never regarded teaching as the need for the accumulation of little action, he used a simple interpretation of a belief in the profound meaning of the teaching profession, he has an extraordinary way to reach the final of excellence is admired.
Bangladesh teachers in life's experiences, we again see that the dialectics of life and the life. "Ordinary" and it seems that we have in mind the "great" "Hero" and other words are so distant, but as long as through the ordinary things in a noble pursuit, which embodies a kind of indomitable perseverance, permeated with a face of life Tetrapanax, then burst out of such ordinary people will be able to shine.
Dong Meng II spirit of the teacher's every bit worthy of our educators用心去感受, hard to learn.
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