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发布网友 发布时间:2024-02-25 19:49



热心网友 时间:2024-04-11 09:00

Restless - New Order
What can you buy
That lifts a heavy heart up to the sky?
What makes your day?
What miracle of life
Has come to stay?
A taste of love
So sweet, so real you can't let go
And how does it feel?
It feels so good...
But how much do you need?
How much, how much do you need?
How much do you need?
How much, how much do you need?
I want a nice car
A girlfriend
Who's as pretty as a star
I want respect
As much, as much as I can get
But how much do you need?
How much, how much do you need?
How much do you need?
How much, how much do you need?
I feel so restless
And in this changing world
I am lost for words
I feel so restless
Ain't got no interest
I couldn't care less
Can't be a success
Due to current studies
The fiscal climate isn't looking good
Get out of town
The streets are running rivers full of blood
The more I see
The less, the less that I believe
The more I hear
The less, the less that I perceive
I feel so restless
And in this changing world
I am lost for words
I feel so restless
Ain't got no interest
I couldn't care less
Can't be a success
What can you buy
That lifts a heavy heart up to the sky?
What makes your day?
What miracle of life
Has come to stay?
A taste of love
So sweet, so real you can't let go
And how does it feel?
It feels so good...
I am so restless
And this changing world
Leaves me speechless
I am lost for words
But I kept my nerve
But it's not hopeless
If you take rest

热心网友 时间:2024-04-11 09:00

<Timber>pitbull/ke$ha"It's going down, I'm yelling timber, You better move, You better dance"
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