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谁帮我翻译下这段话,是我论文的摘要,我不会,谢谢啊。哪位大神救救我! 一定要人工翻译哦。

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-05 14:20



热心网友 时间:2023-10-08 18:58

Enterprise to carry out the scientific research, the proction activities will then proced a great deal of sci-tech archives, the enterprise such as can make full use of enterprise in scientific research, proction activity proces in the process of the science and technology archives, which will be the development of the enterprise itself has great stimulative effect. This paper analyzes the enterprise in full use of technology archives characteristics, efficient development technology archives information resources, through to the enterprise technological connotation, proction order, innovative scientific research, broaden the research of breadth, promote the development of proctive forces, improve economic benefit brought by six aspects of the great benefits, to demonstrate full exploitation enterprise technology archives significance to the development of the enterprise; And through to the enterprise technology archives department on technology archives development of sci-tech archives retrieval system, science and technology archives work, technology archives Ed research provide utilization way and technology archives use four technology archives information feedback collection development and utilization of the four main contents discusses the archives information to improve science and technology enterprises should attach importance to development and utilization of the point with noodles.

满意 望采纳 绝对不是谷歌上滴。。。。。 O(∩_∩)O谢谢~~~·

热心网友 时间:2023-10-08 18:58

Enterprise for scientific research, proction activities will be a lot of technology resulting file, if an enterprise can take full advantage of enterprises in scientific research, proction technology files generated in the process, the development of their own will greatly promote the role. The paper analyzes the full use of science and technology enterprises in the file properties, and efficient development of science and technology case file information resources through enterprise technology content, proction order, innovation and scientific research, expand the breadth of scientific research, promote the development of proctive forces and improve the economic efficiency of the six aspects enormous benefits to demonstrate the full development and utilization of enterprise technology file for the importance of enterprise development; and through the archives department of science and technology to science and technology enterprise development in the technology file file retrieval system, science and technology research work compiled files, the provision of technology files utilization and technology files used to collect feedback from the four technology development and utilization of archival information of the four main elements of the enterprise to improve the technology development and utilization of archival information and should be attention to points and surfaces.追问。。。。。。跟谷歌翻译一模一样!

热心网友 时间:2023-10-08 18:59

Enterprise to carry out the scientific research, the proction activities will then proced a great deal of sci-tech archives, the enterprise such as can make full use of enterprise in scientific research, proction activity proces in the process of the science and technology archives, which will be the development of the enterprise itself has great stimulative effect. This paper analyzes the enterprise in full use of technology archives characteristics, efficient development technology archives information resources, through to the enterprise technological connotation, proction order, innovative scientific research, broaden the research of breadth, promote the development of proctive forces, improve economic benefit brought by six aspects of the great benefits, to demonstrate full exploitation enterprise technology archives significance to the development of the enterprise; And through to the enterprise technology archives department on technology archives development of sci-tech archives retrieval system, science and technology archives work, technology archives Ed research provide utilization way and technology archives use four technology archives information feedback collection development and utilization of the four main contents discusses the archives information to improve science and technology enterprises should attach importance to development and utilization of the point with noodles.
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