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发布网友 发布时间:2024-03-14 15:21



热心网友 时间:2024-10-03 15:55

The Chinese industry needs a change, in set up the strategic terrace of the higher layer and the network of the global management, I what to pay attention to more is an advantage to repair with each other, cooperating to win totally of new road.The blue light share is carrying a camp intelligence window, having no the economy energy which resides a product of the frame window, invisible window and other intelligence house this topic development and technique store up concentrate for 6 years, throw in 200,000,000 dollar huge sums successively, grow for 3 years now, have results to show for 3 years, passed by for 6 years, repeatedly the year bloom and bear fruit.The blue light product will lend a national unprecedented industry policy to economize on energy necessarily of the east breeze rate profession the whole traditional doors and windows, break the high cost of the profession old style and be worth, have no profits present condition with low price, launch a revolution of Chinese window industry.
The result of today, I wanted to thank to pay the heros of strenuous effort for our blue light business, thanking the friend whom many in the last yearses trust our whole worlds, sincerity of invitation doors and windows the elite of the industry to share our markets.Join us blue light system in, push the healthy development of industry together.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-03 15:53

Chinese industries need be changed,comparing with building a higher level strategic and global network,I perfer to pay attention to a new way which means help each other in their advantages.Languang sharehold in runing a intelligence window,researching for 6 years to have no economy energy which resides a product of the frame window ,there is total amount about 2 billion invested,now 3 years to grow,3 years to get the answer,6 years past,another 3 years to get the result.Languang's products must borrow the Chinese policy which reduce energy in the east breeze rate to turnover the traditional window,to break situatuin for the old industry which is high cost,low value and no profit,leading a revoluation of Chinese window industry.
Nowday's result,I want to thank to the heros in Languang who are strenuous working,thank to the friend who trust us in worldwide,and faithly invent the elite in window industry come to share our market.Come and join our system,let us push the industry to a healthy develop together
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