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初中英语作文 我的暑假生活

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-05 16:08



热心网友 时间:2022-06-27 18:00

ring my summer holiday, i went to countyside visit my grandpa and grandma,they were very happy.l like countryside ,because the pure and fresh air,the enviroment and the scene of there make me so refreshed and relaxed. there is a huge differences between city life and country life. when i went to bed l can hear insects' chirp,and the air temperature in there is lower than city,so l can be fast asleep without such like electric fan or air conditioner very well.
when l got up, my country life really began, actually ,people in there are accustomed to early to bed and early to rise, in this way,we can keep in a sharp attitude to face our's every day, i usually took my time to play with my new friends,we climbed tree,we cought insect ,we run and chase in farmfiled ,i can't imagine those at city! besides palying,i helped my grandparents make some housework, i can see their satisfied expression.

the time went by , my summer holiday is almost over, l have to say goodbye to my little guys and my grandparent and come back to my home ,but i never forget this amazing experience

热心网友 时间:2022-06-27 18:01

It was ring the summer vacation that i went to contryside to visit my grandparends.There is no doublt that it was a unforgetable memory.The air there is so fresh that i can breath comfortably.Besides,the scene of the contryside is pretty fascinating,so that i can't help be addicted to the environment.Actually,my life there was busy.I got up early and slept early,did houseworks when i have spare time,played with my partners...In short,i love this day,i was tired but happy.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-27 18:01

1 summer vacation I went to the countryside to visit my grandparents, they are very happy!
2: the country country living environment, the country air, the countryside scenery
3 I was in the country a day in the life ( early to bed and early to rise, and small partners to play, help my grandpa and grandma do the housework ... )

热心网友 时间:2022-06-27 18:02

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