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发布网友 发布时间:2024-02-23 11:09



热心网友 时间:2024-10-21 09:39

My pen pal

I have a pen pal, his name is Marche. He likes to play basketball and play football. But I think playing basketball is too dangerous. He is Australian, he likes green and blue. I also like the two colors. His 14-year-old this year, he looked high. He has a gold-colored short hair. He is of medium build. Very white skin. He has a round face. He looks great spirit.

His favorite subject is history and I also like history. Me and he was recognized in August of last year. I like his character. He and I are best friends!


My Photos

Look! Here are a few of my photos. In the first photo, I was playing soldiers Bang. Bing Bang is China's national sport, I can play well. See, I do not cool? In the second photo, I and my family is eating lunch, my mother has a golden hair, she was very beautiful. My father is working hard to eat. Moving my sister laugh, and me? My grandmother said in a joke to them! Under a photograph, I was swimming, I like to swim and I am very good at swimming. Hot in the summer, swimming can I find it very cool.

Photos are cool I do not?

My family

I have a happy family: mother, father and me. We are very happy every day. Mom has a golden hair, she is of medium build, and her sub-general. Mother's big eyes, very beautiful. I love my mother. Father's tall, he was very young, and I have a sense of security with the father. And me? I medium height, likes to play. Mom and Dad love me, I love them

We are a really happy!

My pencil box

I have a rabbit like pencil boxes, it is lovely. I like it. It can be loaded a lot of things. I put the three ball-point pen. An eraser. A ruler. 4 pencils and 2 pens. Pencil box can put a lot of things, its great capacity. I can hang bags on it. Are the envy of others I have such a lovely pencil box

I love my pencil box!



热心网友 时间:2024-10-21 09:39

Listen and renad about the life in the year 2100.
In the 2100,
Perhaps there wont be enough(足够的) room for everybody on earth.
Perhaps there will be cities on the moon.
People will live on the moon.
Perhaps people will live in space stations(航天站).
Perhaps robots will do all the work.
People wont go to work any more.
Perhaps there wont be any schools.
Children will learn from computers at home.

Read the passage again ,then talk about
your hometown in the yeat 2100.

参考资料:新课标英语考级教程2B 马承 主编 (不要抄袭)

热心网友 时间:2024-10-21 09:39

孩子- -,网络不是作业机器- -...这种不叫做帮忙...

热心网友 时间:2024-10-21 09:40

孩子依赖性太强,妈妈怎么办?目录 孩子对妈妈依赖性太强怎么办 介绍权利的游戏里龙之母全名是什么? 澳洲血橙胶原蛋白是玻璃瓶的吗? 梦见母亲侄子妹妹舅妈电话破屋的预兆 梦见坐别人的车什么意思 有多少人去拜过“龙母”,又有几人知道“龙母”是真的存在过 龙母庙地址在哪里? 龙母像地址在哪里? 龙姥姥是龙母娘娘吗 七年级英语暑假作业,六篇作文啊,跪求!!!58 自己与男友的前女友长得很像,我该怎么办? 伍佰与华晨宇认识吗 有关明月的诗句,要写诗人朝代诗名。40 150首必背古诗只要诗名,诗人,朝代7 含有数字的古诗,包括诗人,诗名,朝代13 一个诗人描写另一个诗人的诗句,要作者、朝代、诗名。12 含有“云”的诗句,要诗人、诗名、朝代 李明4岁时小提琴就拉得很好英语 以前在外地交社保,停交后,现在回本地重新上班,需要注意什么,...2 就问爱挺久能让我增加多长时间? 三相三线漏保的工作原理它是通过什么原理检测到漏电的? 北海小学有哪些 花若盛开清风自来是什么意思295 请问 :微笑向暖,安之若素,你若盛开,清风自来。 这句话什么...71 你若盛开,清风自来。心若浮沉,浅笑安然。这句话是什么意思653 你若盛开 清风自来 什么意思?6927 “你若盛开,清风自来”。什么意思啊754 你若盛开,清风徐来的意思……16 【考试必备】2018-2019年最新南海区石门中学初升高自主招生考试数学模 ... 我只有一个手机号,但是我想注册两个,怎么办? 喜银门怎么样,好不好的默认点评 怎么样申请多个? ...的银饰都是自己厂生产的,那么他们生产的银饰质量可靠吗? 什么虫好吃? 我想申请第二个,但只有一个手机号码,有办法申请吗 喜斯龙汽车膜怎么样 新鲜鸡蛋用开水煮多久才熟煮鸡蛋怎么做最好吃 自动运行程序的“load=”和“run=”有什么区别? 快播里HD和D是什么意思啊? WIFI信号旁边的HD是什么意思?13 求高人解答:在java中前台的传递的参数是int型的,45761727,45761764... 男人梦见自己捡钱 男性梦见捡钱了的寓意 已知边长a,求圆内接正三角形 正六边形 正方形 的半径、边心距、周长_百 ... 微信手机号在24小时内,已绑定两个,已达到限制,不能在绑定其他微信... 美加净白睡莲水嫩美白凝露 西安火车站到胡家庙粮油市场怎么走 从西安霸桥东城十一路钟点站到胡家庙菜市场怎么坐公交 求问胡家庙蔬菜市场怎么走 我是男生,胖,胸有点大,快到夏天了,我想在2个月练出胸肌,可能么,如果...