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发布网友 发布时间:2024-03-16 19:43



热心网友 时间:2024-03-17 08:49


To Respect the Elderly and Take Good Care of the Young
The elderly and the young are two indispensable parts in society, and we should treat them kindly.
On the one hand, the elderly should be respected by all though the society. We should always bear in mind that what we have and enjoy now was created by the aged peeple in the early days, as the old Chinese saying goes, “One generation plants tress under whose shade another generation rests”. Those people who consider the elderly useless can’t deny that they are hound to become old some day, therefore, any kind of maltreatment of old people should be prohibited.
On the other hand, all of us should take good care of the young, too. It is children who make us see the future of our state, for they are the future builders of oar country. Therefore, we should take care of them and protect them from being hurt. But it doesn’t mean that we can spoil them. Spoilt children are well seen nowadays. They depend on their parents so much that they can do nothing without them. How can we count on those children to make contributions to our society? We should take good care of the young so that they will be useful in the social construction later when they come of age.
It is a Chinese tradition to respect, love and support the elderly and to protect, ecate and take good care of the young. Let’s keep and develop that virtue together, because only in this way can we feel as if we were living in a big and happy family, then our society will develop harmoniously.
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