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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-05 08:55



热心网友 时间:2023-10-26 04:18

1, equipment descriptions and parameters
1. Equipment Description
The machine is simple, using sensor tags control operation, high sensitivity, stripping labels adjustable length, and automatic counting functions to facilitate the calculation of yield. The main functions of this equipment is the labelling of the entire volume rationalization were stripped, is the ideal substitute artificial stripping equipment.
2. Specifications
Vol center Size:
Volume labels diameter
3. Parameters
Scope: artificial labels
Stripping superscript speed:
4. Accessories
Length controls
Recipe paper
Baffle in
Sensor controls stent
Stepped up with
Stripping panels
, Baffle
Second, the use of methods
1. Use of the machine should be smooth release, counter reset,
2. Removed from the rack on the baffle, and with a good set of labels baffle, and the adjustment of the two labels disk space baffle
3. Label from stripping panels at the bottom of the two-axis through
4. Wound to the waste paper scroll week, with intensified Fixed
5. Attention should be paid to three parallel regulation
6. Fixed good restrictors
7. Mediation label length - the length adjustment button with the use of sensor stent length regulation
8. Sensor head position should be located close to stripping panels, fine-tuning knob to zero position, so as to ensure that the first sensor detects labels
9. Connected power, turn on the power switch can use
Note: Please use in strict accordance with the rules and maintenance manuals, warranty period is prohibited to open and demolition, or else the resulting damage as a man-made damage, and are not maintenance free. The brochures are subject to change notice if the operation of this machine is still unknown, welcome to call at any time for the company.
Third, pay attention to matters
1. Baffles inside and outside label must be pressed into feeding shelf, or not ripping labels.
2. Prevent external injury on the rack, peel panels and paper scrolls, a triaxial parallel
3. Complete machine lines is prohibited encountered water or oil, it may be leakage, short-circuit or an explosion, and other security incidents seriously burned when the entire machine
4. Meet face to maintain the clean sound, not flawed.
4, fault analysis and excluded
Unusual circumstances:
1. Electricity circumstances do not peel labels
2. Kept peeling labels
1. Power switch is opened
2. Label rolls is correctly installed
3. Whether stripping superscript motor movements
4. Seized superscript sensor head is burning
5. Labelling offset sensor head
6. Sensor head is burning
5, packing list
Host - 1 -
Power lines - one
Proct Sheet - 1
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