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QQ炫舞 背景音乐。。

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-05 08:37



热心网友 时间:2023-10-25 07:31

  Tell Me Why - Declan Galbraith
  In my dream
  children sing
  a song of love for every boy and girl
  The sky is blue and fields are green
  and laughter is the language of the world
  Then I wake and all I see
  is a world full of people in need
  Tell me why (why)
  does it have to be like this
  Tell me why (why)
  is there something I have missed
  Tell me why (why)
  'cosI don't understand
  when so many need somebody
  we don't give a helping hand
  Tell me why
  Every day
  I ask myself
  what will I have to do to be a man
  Do I have to stand and fight
  to prove to everybody who I am
  Is that what my life is far
  to waste in a world full of war
  Tell me why (why)
  does it have to be like this
  Tell me why (why)
  is there something I have missed
  Tell me why (why)
  'cos I don't understand
  when so many need somebody
  we don't give a helping hand
  Tell me why (Tell me why)
  Tell me why (Tell me why)
  Tell me why (Tell me why)
  Just tell me why!
  Tell me why (why)
  does it have to be like this
  Tell me why (why)
  is there something I have missed
  Tell me why (why)
  'cos I don't understand
  when so many need somebody
  we don't give a helping hand
  Tell me why
  (Why why does the tiger fun)
  Tell me why
  (Why why do we shoot the gun)
  Tell me why
  (Why why do we never learn)
  Can someone tell us why we let the forest burn
  (Why why do we say we care)
  Tell me why
  (Why why do we stand and stare)
  Tell me why
  (Why why do the dolphins cry)
  Can someone tell us why we let the ocean die
  (Why why if we're all the same)
  Tell me why
  (Why why do we pass and blame)
  Tell me why
  (Why why does it never end)
  Can someone tell us why we cannot just be friends
  Why why (do we close our eyes)
  Why why (do the greedy life)
  Why why (do we fight for land)
  Can someone tell us why 'cos we don't understand
  Why why
  Declan Galbraith
  【歌词】这首歌就叫[Tell me why][Declan Galbraith]唱的 【童音】

热心网友 时间:2023-10-25 07:31

《Tell me why》 这首歌的名字 你去搜吧

热心网友 时间:2023-10-25 07:32

Tell me why 歌名。

热心网友 时间:2023-10-25 07:32

Tell me why

热心网友 时间:2023-10-25 07:33


热心网友 时间:2023-10-25 07:34

这是个成本会计题,马上要考这道原题了,求大虾帮忙 财务管理类问题,求大虾帮忙,小弟感激不尽。具体问题看问题补充。_百度... 光影魔术手怎么换底色 光影魔术手换底色教程 ...米的绳子围绕一棵树干饶了6圈,还余下1.16米,这棵树干上的直径大约是... ...还余下1.16米,这棵树的树干的直径大约是多少米?求算式! ibm x3500 M5 服务器 运行时风扇声音好大,吵死了,可以下掉一个吗... IBMX3500 M5,最近老是出现自动关机的情况,需要把服务器电源拔掉半分钟... 治疗萎缩性胃炎的方法 怎么治萎缩胃炎 JYF-40FS06电饭煲190块买的是假的吗 重庆清草芳清洁有限公司怎么样? QQ炫舞所有大厅系统背景音乐的曲目列表。 越多越好! 一年级下册语文语文园地二第六题的种太阳第三小题怎么做? 现在qq炫舞的房间的所有背景音乐谁有? 沈阳保洁哪家好 外墙清洗 玻璃幕墙清洗 招牌外墙 刮大白 qq炫舞的背景音乐 一年级语文下册练习题种太阳怎么写 医保卡有没密码忘了怎么办 QQ炫舞背景音乐 qq炫舞里的所有背景音乐 新房开荒单位保洁信息查看 QQ炫舞的背景音乐是那几首?求解释。。。 QQ炫舞背景音乐有哪些? 医保卡掉了密码忘了 QQ炫舞里面的背景音乐是那些? 清洁门面招牌的生意有人做过吗?我看到好多门面的招牌都很脏,如果跟老板说清洁门面,老板愿意出钱吗 谁知道QQ炫舞里的所有背景音乐和好听的歌曲 QQ炫舞游戏的所有背景音乐 我想做低空保洁,就是商铺门头招牌清洗,请有经验人士给点建议,谢谢 QQ炫舞所有背景音乐名 一年级关于种太阳儿歌日记 我种太阳的目的是什么一年级 门头招牌清洗用什么软件? 身份证和医保卡都掉了,我又忘了医保卡密码该怎么办 我有一个美丽的愿望,长大以后能播种太阳。 一个送给南极,一个送给北冰洋。 人教版小学语文一年级下册十八课评课 初中一年级上册7科的复习资料 急!普通话水平测试用话题 人教版三年级下册智慧园练习二十二怎么做 2010年普通话考试自由发挥的题目是什么、? 怎么用五花肉做梅菜扣? 在家怎么做梅菜扣肉,肥而不腻,软糯浓香呢? 我的身份证号码被别人盗用注册了12306怎么办 说我身份证号注册过12306怎么办 别人用我的身份证注册12306现在无法登录怎么办? 求一篇服装类论文 跪求关于“金融危机对中国服装行业的影响”的论文 求男性青年服装消费心理分析与营销技巧的论文 急求赞扬山东的话句 求份论文提纲: 大学生服装消费特点及其分析. 急!