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发布网友 发布时间:2024-03-03 08:56



热心网友 时间:2024-11-02 12:06

In the language learning process, when bad difference of the purpose language and the language knot of the mother tongues is very big, namely the language speech is apart from to leave( the 1 anguage distance) to be apart from mutually farther, the learner usually adopts to get around the strategy( the avoidance strategy).The Schachter(1974) discovers the mother tongue as the student of ESL of the Chinese language and Japanese in the research low is a Hinstan and Arabian language in the mother tongue in relate to using the frequency from the sentence of student of ESL.Although the latter will make a lot of mistakes on the usage, the likeness of the language structure, say tangibly, the Hinstan is similar to Arabian language together English to all adopt right to branch, caused the latter trial use more relations to a large extent from the sentence.Say for the student of ESL of the Chinese language and Japanese to the mother tongue, although they make use the rules 范 at the one who study relation from the sentence the mistake less make, they to the relation from the usage frequency far and away below mother tongues of the sentence for the native language of English, because of but, this kind moves to move is to take to move to move( the negative transfer) a kind of, then lose to lead little( underproction).Moreover, whether a phrase( the resumptive pronoun) of the usage instauration, is to deny the 允 XU3 DAI4 CI2 protects to stay( the pronoun retention), also existing the very big difference between the different language speech.The Chinese language allows to use a phrase of instauration, such as:It is my elder sister that I give her that girl of the book.To should of English translate the sentence and should be this sentence of the The girl that I gave a book to is my sister but is not this sentence of the The girl that I gave a book to her is my siste, because disallow to use a phrase of instauration in English relate to from the sentence.Pass the research, discover in the language acquisition process, move would cause a phrase of instauration of misapplication.The Gass(1979,1983) carries on a test( the sentence combining test) to 9 kinds of students of ESL of different mother tongue, discovering that the mother tongue influence would decide to recover the usage frequency of a phrase of sex.As a result, the mother tongue speaks easily for the student of the Hinstan such as such sentence of the I know the woman that John gave the potato to her, because of Hinstan on the position and language- kind of the indirect object,- want to use to recover a phrase of sex certainly.
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