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发布网友 发布时间:2024-03-10 01:42



热心网友 时间:2024-03-10 09:22

Hey, is the moon in Poland just like me? I didn't think I'd be in such a bad mood after you left. Some say that a departure is for the sake of a better homecoming. Well, I can only believe in that saying now.

I've only just realised how important you've become to me. What are you up to right now? I wish you a good time and will wait for your return. I shall think of you every day, every hour and every second.

I love you, though not by first sight. So when did my feelings begin? I don't know that either - maybe it was the first time when you spoke to me, maybe it was the moment when you gave me that inexplicable smile...

Do you know, my dear, that even milk tasted sugar-sweet when I knew you loved me too? I want to stay by your side always. You might not know this, but my happiness flows with the sight of your smile - whenever you smile, my heart smiles along with you.

I've always made you listen to the song 'Goodbye days' - "I'm thankful for your tenderness and our meeting" - this line is what I'll like to say to you in person. Although you're no longer by my side, your tenderness still accompanies me. I will treasure all the times we've spent together.

I know you will be back soon.

全手工,有检读。翻译的拼写、语法、文法都没问题。为了语态自然稍微作出了一些改动。希望能对你有帮助。有什么问题请PM我 :-)
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