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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-05 13:29



热心网友 时间:2022-06-27 13:46

Government implemented a series of measures failing to solve the contradiction, but only giving rise to more violence and conflict.The opposition party formed an alliance with the guild and they lauched a big strike that brought about the collapse of the government.

Nowadays the difference between the collage life and reality is shrunk so that the students become more realistic. Once upon a time the collage was like a ivory tower, but gone are the days that the scholars pursued the knowledge for knowledge's sake rather than for the sake of a means to an end.

I never hoped that I could learn this course well only by taking classes. However, I do take the classes in order to grasp the place where the important stuff lies in, to learn how to organize the materials and how to reason.

I struggled to work out this problem and I just cannot find the solution. When I went to kitchen to have a drink, however,I click and figure out that the solution may be very simple actually.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-27 13:47

1.*采取的一系列措施不但没有化解矛盾,反倒激起更多的暴力冲突。反对党联合工会发动了一次大罢工,最终导致*的垮台。(give riseto;form an alliance with;launch;bring about)
2.如今,大学与现实时间的距离越来越小,学生也变得越来越实际。从前,大学是一个象牙塔,学者追求的是学问本身而不是把学问作为达到目的的手段,但这样的时代已经一去不复返。(shrink;gone are the days;a means to an end)
3.我从未指望靠上课来学好这门课。但我确实去听课,因为在课上我能了解这门课的重点,学会如何组织材料、如何推理。(hope;the place where)
4.我一直想方设法解决这个难题,但就是找不到满意的答案。可是当我去厨房喝饮料的时候,我突然间灵机一动,意识到解决问题的方法实际上可能很简单。(work out;click)

热心网友 时间:2022-06-27 13:47

Government implemented a series of measures failing to solve the contradiction, but only giving rise to more violence and conflict.The opposition party formed an alliance with the guild and they lauched a big strike that brought about the collapse of the government.

Nowadays the difference between the collage life and reality is shrunk so that the students become more realistic. Once upon a time the collage was like a ivory tower, but gone are the days that the scholars pursued the knowledge for knowledge's sake rather than for the sake of a means to an end.

I never hoped that I could learn this course well only by taking classes. However, I do take the classes in order to grasp the place where the important stuff lies in, to learn how to organize the materials and how to reason.

I struggled to work out this problem and I just cannot find the solution. When I went to kitchen to have a drink, however,I click and figure out that the solution may be very simple actually.





「温馨提示」的英语表达是:Friendly Reminder或者Gentle Reminder。这个表达在英文中常见,主要用于礼貌地提示或者提醒他人注意某些事项或者遵守某些规定。一般来说,“Friendly” 或者 “Gentle” 这样的形容词可以表达出提示的温馨和礼貌氛围,而 “Reminder” 则明确指出这是...


两个都可以,意思是友情提示。1、kindly remind 这种情况下“kindly”做副词,用于修饰动词“remind”。2、kindly reminder 这种情况下“kindly”做形容词,用于修饰名词“reminder”英语温馨提示的其他表达方式 1、Warm prompt---温馨提示 例句:Warm prompt, happiness often visit.翻译:温馨提示密,快乐...

用所给提示词翻译:1.张丽莉大学毕业后就在这所学校教书了(since)_百 ...

1.Li-Li Zhang had taught in this school since she graduated from university 2.I don't know whether he likes this film or not 3.If you finish your homework, you can go out to play football.4.He will call me as soon as he arrives in shanghai 5.While Mary was writing a...


两种表达都是正确的,都表示【温馨提示;温馨提醒】的意思,但需要分情况进行使用。【kindly】读音:英 ['kaɪndlɪ] 美 ['kaɪndli]adv. 亲切地;温和地;仁慈地 adj. 亲切的;和蔼的;体贴的;爽快的 1、【kindly remind】这种情况下【kindly】做副词,用于修饰动词【remind】...


温馨提示的英语翻译是Tips或者Warm Reminder。解释:在英语中,"温馨提示"这个词组通常用于提醒人们注意某些事情或提供有关特定情境的建议和信息。这个词组的翻译可以根据上下文有所不同,但最常见的翻译是"Tips"或"Warm Reminder"。其中,"Tips"是一种较为通用的表达方式,常用于各种场合的提醒,包括生活小...


通常翻译为Friendly Tips。广播中常翻译为You are kindly informed。friendly的基本意思是“友好的,友谊的”,可修饰人、动物、事〔事物〕等,还可用来修饰某种气氛。修饰动物时可译为“温驯的”。friendly还可指“和睦的,融洽的”。adj.(形容词)友好的,朋友似的,和蔼可亲的;友善的,善意的,亲密的,...

中文翻译成英文 括号内是提示词

1. my brother had been abroad for four years, i look forward to seeing him 2. One day, you will realize the importance of your mistake 3. she loves to help those students who have some difficulty in homework 4. three years in junior high have gone by really fast before i...


In my mind’s eye, I saw the pale face of the mother at the news of her son’s death.

根据提示词翻译 害怕得发抖,孩子们凝视着他的窗户(shake)

The children stared at his window, shaking for scare.

一个提示的英文翻译是什么 提示语怎么说 提示词用英文怎么说 提示语高级说法 提示词 英文 英语句子中提示词是什么 温馨提示语 一个提示英文 这里有一些提示用英语怎么说
珍珠粉可以天天敷脸吗 教你自制珍珠粉面膜 中超什么时候成立 交通刷卡金是什么 哪吒V上市进入倒计时,车身超4米,轴距为2420mm,续航里程401km. 关于倩女幽魂爆鬼问题 倩女幽魂什么是大宝队 关于倩女幽魂爆鬼分红的问题 泰国绿咖喱中的咖喱酱是如何制作的,它的独特口味来源于哪些香料?_百度... 好看电视剧,推荐个,现代都市剧,古装剧,战争爱情剧都可以,要经典,确确 ... 去北京上大学转户口好不好 净化水步骤是静置沉淀、吸附沉淀、过滤、蒸馏 消防三提示翻译成英文 化学净化水的步骤有哪些?? 求助用提示的英文帮忙翻译几个中文句子~速度~谢谢 把提示翻译一下。 英语翻译 包装盒上的提示说明 将提示翻译成英语的,谢谢 "温馨提示"英语怎么翻译? 关于英文翻译“XX的提示” tip可以翻译为提示吗? “提示”这个词的名词英文是什么 韭菜花怎么摘干净 你有没有觉得自己说话的声音硬干涩? 梦见水井出泥要爆炸了 嗓子部分很硬,声音沙哑。 怎么使自己说话声音变硬 拿韭菜是去摘菜还是去拿菜? 为什么有的男人说话声音硬气?有的男人娘娘腔? 梦见水井里抽到泥水 2020年7月7号青海省可以考科目三吗? 用所给提示词翻译 英语 我和她都已婚有了自己的家庭,但是彼此相爱,该咋办? 两个有家的人相爱了,但是马上段联系了,可是现在内心还是控制不住想联系,到底该怎么办?我真的好痛苦? 俩已婚女人相爱该怎么办? 爱上一个已婚女人。怎么办?控制不住了 我们都是已婚的人,而且很相爱,3年了,想分手又不甘心放不下对方,不分手太折磨人了,该怎么办啊,求助 和已婚男人相爱怎么办 历届奥运会举办地点国家有哪些? 奥运会在哪些国家举办过 世界上举办过两次奥运会的国家有哪些? 冬奥会在哪些国家举行过? 有多少个国家举办过冬奥会?分别是哪些国家? 世界上哪些国家举办过 夏季和冬季 奥运会的 未来几届奥运会在哪些国家举办? 2021年的奥运会在什么国家举办? 2023年奥运会在哪个国家举办? 有没有大神有微信转别人朋友圈小视频的软件 如何在Excel快速输入欧元符号 原来买的加湿器加水很麻烦,经常溅水出来,请问施铂加湿器容易加水吗? 微粒贷逾期4天了。我现在在办信用卡!!!!!微粒贷几天之后征信上会显示贷款逾期!!!!!这样信用卡