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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-05 12:50



热心网友 时间:2023-10-08 14:53

Elementary school arithmetic, we know the natural numbers 1,2,3, ... ..., scores of 1 / 2, 2 / 3, ... ..., decimal 0.5,1.3, ... ..., pi π = 3.1415926 ... ..., the regular use these numbers to + ,-,×,÷ arithmetic. The mathematical symbols have become our friends.

1 +2 mean? It can be said that a person with two people, you can also add two trees that a tree can also be said of other things. Mathematical symbols can represent a wide range of objective things, but also simple and practical. This is unmatched by other languages, is precisely the power of mathematical symbols and lies.

How many do mathematical symbols? According to statistics, the early, higher mathematics often used mathematical symbols are more than 200 secondary school mathematics often have more than 100 symbols.

Indicated that the number of letters and geometric symbols, called the element symbol. For example, with a, b, c, said datum, with x, y, z is the unknown; in proving two triangles congruent, the use (s, s, s) that correspond to the three sides are equal, (s, a, s) that are equal on both sides and the angle corresponding to, (a, s, a) said clip corners and edges corresponding to equal, and the ratio of circumference π, unit imaginary number i, the natural logarithm base e, are elements of these symbols. There are 1,2,3, 1 / 2, 2 / 3, 0.5,1.3, they are symbolic elements.

+,-,×,÷ Said that between the number of addition, subtraction, multiplication, division. This indicated that the rules of operation in accordance with a symbol called operation symbols. Two sets of sets (∪), intersection (∩), on the n to sum (∑ [1 ≤ k ≤ n] f (k)), indefinite integral (∫ f (x) δx), from a to b The definite integral (∫ [a: b] f (x) δx), these are operations symbols.

Equal sign (=), approximate equal sign (≈), does not mean No. (≠), greater than (>), less than (<), identity or congruence number (≡), similar number (≈), All the equal sign (≌), the number of these symbols, the relationship between type or graphics, called the relationship between symbols. There are parallel to the symbol (‖), the vertical symbol (⊥), than the symbols (:), are symbols (∈), these were all symbols.

In mathematics, there are a number of agreed symbols to indicate a specific meaning or formula. Because (∵), therefore (∴), n elements of m elements out the number of combinations (C (n: m)), n elements in the arrangement of elements out m the number of (A (n: m)), These symbols are called conventions.

Some symbols, such as parentheses (()), square brackets ([]), braces (()) and so called auxiliary symbols, also called combined symbols.
Mathematics in the world is really a sign of things in the world!

How the kind of mathematical symbols from?

China is a cultural development on the public sector, one of the earliest countries. Digital mathematical elements of this symbol, as early as two thousand years BC proced in China. Han Liu Xiang to write a book "The World" in just such a word: "Yellow Emperor, the scribe's first comprehensive and balanced." About a thousand years BC, written by Wen Wang Zhougong "Yi Jing" in there "Ancient guitar string and rule, later writing saints and Yi Qi" records.

In algebra, the first use of a set of mathematical symbols, generally considered to be ancient Greek's Diophantine all (Diophantus, BC 330-246). Descendants known as the abbreviation of his algebra algebra, while the ancient Egypt, ancient Babylonians algebra called the algebra described in the text. This text describes the algebra, has been delayed to the European Renaissance.

15 century, in Germany Wagenieer and Weidman's work, the first to use "+" and "-" The two symbols, that the weight of the box "earnings" and "loss." After which they were used plus and minus mathematician. "×" number is the 17-century British mathematician Oude Lai first use. "÷" number is the 17 century, created by the Swiss Larne.

"=" Was a British Liekeerde in the paper "theoretical wisdom stone" raised. Square brackets [] and braces () is a French mathematician Vieta (Verte ,1540-1603) introced. ":" Is the French mathematician Descartes (Descartes ,1506-1650) first used. ∽, ≌ and dx (derivative), a German mathematician Leibniz (Leibniz ,1646-1716) creative use.
Derivative symbol "f1 (x)", "y1" is the French mathematician Lagrange (Lagrange ,1736-1813) created by the indefinite integral "∫" treasure Bernoulli Swiss mathematician first use, the definite integral "∫ [a: b] f (x) δx "(written here is the network) is a French mathematician Depots (Foueer ,1768-1830) invented.

Swiss mathematician Euler (Euler ,1707-1783) to create a lot of life mathematical symbols, such as π, e, sin, cos, tan, ∑, f (x) and so on. French mathematician Cauchy (Cauchy ,1789-1857) is also a sign master, the determinant of the two vertical lines that he introced in 1841.

The long list of the top, shows the origins of mathematics part of the symbol. As can be seen, mathematical symbols is a proct of collective human wisdom, is a mathematician of great efforts from generation to generation.
Development of science, constantly new demands of mathematics. The development of mathematics, the continuous generation of new mathematical symbols, while phasing out those not applicable mathematical symbols. As

The ancient Chinese also have their own set of mathematical symbols, in history has played a positive role. However, compared with the West, since the complex were not easy to apply. For example, in general the new algebra textbook (1905) is still the unknown x, y, z written in heaven, earth, human, the datum a, b, c written as A, B, C, the numbers 1,2,3 written in one, two, three. In this symbolic system, originally written in very general algebraic form of a very complicated incomprehensible.

This of course is out of the list symbol. China's systematic use of modern mathematical symbols, is in the 1911 Revolution (1910) followed. 1919 "54" campaign later completely universal.

Modern mathematical symbols, because of its established meaning, expressing simple, easy to use, greatly promoted the development of mathematics. In mathematics, some people called the genius of the period of the seventeenth century, the eighteenth century, a period called the invention, in these two centuries, why the greater development of mathematics and achieved great accomplishments? The reason, I am afraid that with the creation of a large number of mathematical symbols is not without close contact.

Some experts even point out that the leading Chinese ancient mathematics, modern mathematics behind, one of the reasons is that China does not use advanced mathematical symbols, which hindered the development of mathematics. Although these words are biased side, but it does points to the development of mathematical symbols of mathematics can play an important role!

Powerful mathematical symbols, magical. It is the mathematics in the special "Text", recording and transmission of rich mathematical information, it is silent note, in people's heart of hearts bring out the beautiful music, it is the rigorous mathematical theory of esoteric "source" of 1, moistens the flower of civilization. As a middle school student, please attach importance to the study of mathematical symbols reference to it! The only way to make our thinking more agile, precise and profound

热心网友 时间:2023-10-08 14:53


热心网友 时间:2023-10-08 14:54

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