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求一首歌。有英文的。重复you,而且越来越快。还有几句是it’s true...

发布网友 发布时间:2024-03-05 10:50



热心网友 时间:2024-03-09 08:41

你听的有可能是The time..是black eye pea唱的:)

热心网友 时间:2024-03-09 08:43

long long way

歌曲:Long Long Way
演唱:Alan Jackson
It happens everytime
I think about the reasons
why I sittin here alone
at night at night
and not <STRONG class=tx_hit>with <STRONG class=tx_hit>you
The heartache takes control
and lets me know
just what a fool I was
and how you cant erase
the things you do
And sorry just cant
mend the broken heart
Ive handed you,
break apart is
what most broken hearts
tell you to do
But I’m a long, long way
from over you,
don’t think Ive ever seen
so many shades of blue
They say that <STRONG class=tx_hit>time will heal
don’t know if I ever will
cause I’m a long, long way
from over you
Now over you just sounds like
some lost city,
people tell me how to find
but somehow I just never do
And maybe its because
I never wanted to at all
of course now I see that
I had the best in you
That clock just
runs in circles,
the days just go on by,
the memories hold me closer
no matter how I cry
I’m still a long, long way
from over you,
don’t think Ive ever seen
so many shades of blue
They say that <STRONG class=tx_hit>time will heal
don’t know if I ever will
cause I’m a long, long way
from over you
That clock just
runs in circles,
the days just go on by,
the memories hold me closer
no matter how I cry
I’m still a long, long way
from over you,
don’t think Ive ever seen
so many shades of blue
They say that <STRONG class=tx_hit>time will heal
don’t know if I ever will
cause I’m a long, long way
from over you
They say that <STRONG class=tx_hit>time will heal
don’t know if I ever will
cause I’m a long, long way
from over you

热心网友 时间:2024-03-09 08:35

heidi的no more?

热心网友 时间:2024-03-09 08:35

you are beautiful
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