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Killer Love 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2024-03-05 11:54



热心网友 时间:2024-10-22 13:51

歌曲名:Killer Love
歌手:Nicole Scherzinger
专辑:Killer Love

Nicole Scherzinger - Killer Love
To the bedroom babe,
And make it up to me,
You better give it right 'cause I need to feel it.
Get a good firm grip,
I'm at your fingertips,
Wanna good fight tonight so let me beat it.
If this is good then why're you driving my heart insane?
And if it's bad then why can't I just walk away?
It's crazy how you got me lost in pleasure and pain,
Oh yeah,
It's sweet misery!
There you go breaking me,
Then you go building me,
It hurts so good,
You'll keep me coming for more.
It's taking over me,
It's sick how you're controlling me,
It hurts so good,
You'll keep me dying for more
Over this killer love,
Over this killer love,
Over this killer love.
So go ‘head, punish me,
If that's your fantasy,
Don't need to say it
Baby, I know you mean it.
Only just like that,
And make them eyes roll back,
Come write a murder act, let me read it.
If this is good then why're you driving my heart insane?
And if it's bad then why can't I just walk away?
It's crazy how you got me lost in pleasure and pain,
Oh yeah,
It's sweet misery!
There you go breaking me,
Then you go building me,
It hurts so good,
You'll keep me coming for more.
It's taking over me,
It's sick how you're controlling me,
It hurts so good,
You'll keep me dying for more
Over this killer love,
Over this killer love,
Over this killer love,
Over this killer love,
Over this killer love.
If your love is killing me, killing me, killing me,
Don't wanna survive, no, don't wanna survive.
If your love is killing me, killing me, killing me,
Don't wanna survive, no, don't wanna survive.
If your love is killing me, killing me, killing me,
Don't wanna survive, no, don't wanna survive.
There you go breaking me,
Then you go building me,
It hurts so good,
You'll keep me coming for more.
There you go breaking me,
Then you go building me,
It hurts so good,
You'll keep me coming for more.
It's taking over me,
It's sick how you're controlling me,
It hurts so good,
You'll keep me dying for more
Over this killer love,
Over this killer love,
Over this killer love,
Over this killer love,
Over this killer love.

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