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Billy Squier的《Come Home》 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2024-03-05 00:10



热心网友 时间:2024-09-28 11:09

歌曲名:Come Home
歌手:Billy Squier
专辑:Enough Is Enough

Luminate - Come Home
(Oh~Oh~ Oh~Oh~)
(Oh~Oh~ Oh~Oh~)
Your best friends with the word regret
You're afraid that your life's been wasted
So why hope if it's only gonna let you down
You don't think people really change
You're a mess and you'll always be the same
And you doubt if you'll ever get it turned around
So you've been running, searching for something
But you're looking in a place you don't belong
But it's never too late, you can't outrun grace
No, Mercy doesn't care what you've done
So come Home (Oh~Oh~ Oh~Oh~)
So come Home (Oh~Oh~ Oh~Oh~)
You can try to fix your broken empire
Put bricks on a cracked foundation
But you'll be building castles on the sand
There's power in the blood of Jesus
Your father's screaming Just Come Home!
And he's reaching out His hands
I know you've been running, searching for something
But you're looking in a place you don't belong
But it's never too late, you can't outrun grace
No, Mercy doesn't care what you've done
So come Home
So come Home
From the shadows, From the wrong roads
From the darkness, From the unknown
To redemption, Something beautiful
To a new love, To a new home
I know you've been running, searching for something
But you're looking in a place you don't belong
But it's never too late, you can't outrun grace
No, Mercy doesn't care what you've done
So come Home (Oh~Oh~ Oh~Oh~)
So come Home (Oh~Oh~ Oh~Oh~)
Yell~ (Oh~Oh~ Oh~Oh~)
(Oh~Oh~ Oh~Oh~)
(Oh~Oh~ Oh~Oh~)
(Oh~Oh~ Oh~Oh~)...


热心网友 时间:2024-09-28 11:17

歌曲名:Come Home
歌手:Billy Squier
专辑:Enough Is Enough

Luminate - Come Home
(Oh~Oh~ Oh~Oh~)
(Oh~Oh~ Oh~Oh~)
Your best friends with the word regret
You're afraid that your life's been wasted
So why hope if it's only gonna let you down
You don't think people really change
You're a mess and you'll always be the same
And you doubt if you'll ever get it turned around
So you've been running, searching for something
But you're looking in a place you don't belong
But it's never too late, you can't outrun grace
No, Mercy doesn't care what you've done
So come Home (Oh~Oh~ Oh~Oh~)
So come Home (Oh~Oh~ Oh~Oh~)
You can try to fix your broken empire
Put bricks on a cracked foundation
But you'll be building castles on the sand
There's power in the blood of Jesus
Your father's screaming Just Come Home!
And he's reaching out His hands
I know you've been running, searching for something
But you're looking in a place you don't belong
But it's never too late, you can't outrun grace
No, Mercy doesn't care what you've done
So come Home
So come Home
From the shadows, From the wrong roads
From the darkness, From the unknown
To redemption, Something beautiful
To a new love, To a new home
I know you've been running, searching for something
But you're looking in a place you don't belong
But it's never too late, you can't outrun grace
No, Mercy doesn't care what you've done
So come Home (Oh~Oh~ Oh~Oh~)
So come Home (Oh~Oh~ Oh~Oh~)
Yell~ (Oh~Oh~ Oh~Oh~)
(Oh~Oh~ Oh~Oh~)
(Oh~Oh~ Oh~Oh~)
(Oh~Oh~ Oh~Oh~)...

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