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发布网友 发布时间:2024-03-04 10:25



热心网友 时间:2024-03-08 09:21

A strong earthquake attacked Japan at 1:46pm. I was shocked when I heard about the bad news. Why there were so many disasters in the world?

I looked up some files about the top fourteen worst earthquakes in the past one hundred years from internet. And some earthquakes even came with tsunamis. It was said that 300 thousands of people died in 2004 as a result of the earthquake and tsunami happened in Indonesia. And 242 thousands of citizens died in Tangshan Earthquake in 1976 in China. Also in 2008, another big earthquake happened in China, and more than 7 thousands passed away. 同样是中考的孩子啊啊啊!~悲惨

热心网友 时间:2024-03-08 09:21

A strong earthquake attacked Japan at 1:46pm. I was shocked when I heard about the bad news. Why there were so many disasters in the world?

I looked up some files about the top fourteen worst earthquakes in the past one hundred years from internet. And some earthquakes even came with tsunamis. It was said that 300 thousands of people died in 2004 as a result of the earthquake and tsunami happened in Indonesia. And 242 thousands of citizens died in Tangshan Earthquake in 1976 in China. Also in 2008, another big earthquake happened in China, and more than 7 thousands passed away.

How awful it is when we talk about these figures.

Everyone should cherish what we have now.

I felt scary when I watched 2012.

But the disasters happened are more fearful.

Dalian is not far away from Japan, my colleague told me that she would be too panic to go to bed tonight. It is funny.

I did not worry about that. No one can expect what will happen in the next minute. Just enjoy every minute in our life.

It is enough~

another big earthquake happened in China, and more than 7 thousands passed away. 同样是中考的孩子啊啊啊!~悲惨


1、地震发生后,应积极参与救助工作,可将耳朵靠墙,听听是否有幸存者声音。 2、使伤者先暴露头部,保持呼吸畅通,如有窒息,立即进行人工呼吸。 3、一旦被埋压,要设法避开身体上方不结实的倒塌物,并设法用砖石、木棍等支撑残垣断壁,加固环境。 4、地震是一瞬间发生的,任何人应先保存自己,再展开救助。先救易,后救难...


Everyone should cherish what we have now.I felt scary when I watched 2012.But the disasters happened are more fearful.Dalian is not far away from Japan, my colleague told me that she would be too panic to go to bed tonight. It is funny.I did not worry about that. No one...


so because the quake triggered a tsunami, the tsunami have been rushed to the imperial county, and it took the whole Japan's floor is main honshu island say all the boundless, became engulfed by the sea, today, because tsunami caused a whirlpool, then, take everything contributed...

跪求一篇关于日本地震核泄漏的英语作文,要求对核泄漏情形的描述,对其后 ...

However, the others thought the government should limit the number of nuclear power stations, since they will cause all kinds of pollution, air pollution included. They thought solar energy power stations, which are environmentally friendly , should be developed.In my opinion, we should...


Because earthquakes occur without warning, it’s important to take steps now to prepare, so that you know what you can do and how to respond — constructive, protective action is possible.这本小册子旨在帮助你和家人学会未雨绸缪,以便在大地震时逃生。事先进行准备,可以减少地震带来的...


I hope they will be well all the way, when they look back at the earth, will see tens of thousands of their compatriots hand-foot - , Look up to the sky pray for them, so they will not be alone, not lonely。 其中你将地名该成 日本 就行啦! 请采纳 ...


quickly went to the open space squat; try to avoid tall buildings, overpass, away from the high voltage wire and chemical, gas and other plant or facility.正在野外活动时,应尽量避开山脚、陡崖,以防滚石和滑坡;如遇山崩,要朝远离滚石前进方向的两侧向跑。正在海边游玩时,应迅速远离海...


From yesterday to this day, the passage of time bit by bit, every minute, have a lot of the people of disaster areas due to doctors and rescue officers and men of insufficient resources, and faced with the risk of death. On the net, the latest news and pictures and video ...

急求写一篇百字左右英语作文。 日本本州岛附近发生里氏9级大地震,强 ...


英语作文关于地震逃生 关于地震英语作文80词 关于地震的英语作文70 如何在地震中逃生英语作文 关于地震演练的英语作文 地震逃生英语作文初二 地震逃生英语作文加翻译 地震英语作文100词 地震自救英语作文80词
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