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发布网友 发布时间:2024-03-04 08:55



热心网友 时间:2024-03-08 01:44

Mr Chairman:
Dear friends:
Hello everyone!
China's economic and social development, is actually a from a traditional agricultural civilization and progress to the process of modern industrial civilization, at this transitional stage, we each family's material wealth, way of life has changed dramatically. Single point of view from the kitchen, wood cabinets from the initial evolution to the present electron消毒碗柜and storage of food refrigerator, it is time for decades. With the deepening of industrialization, the traditional wooden kitchen furniture has gradually been replaced by the modernization of household appliances; Intelligent Electronics disinfection shoe with beautiful decoration, Shoe Shine, disinfectant, deodorant and other functions, is bound to replace the traditional wooden shoe home. The rapid development of modern manufacturing industry, various features of chips and electrical parts more and more developed, which led to this inevitability.
Faced with the general trend of social development, in order to improve the material life of the people, put their wisdom and talent to contribute fully to society, the creation of special health Electric Ltd. Kawano. Aim is to use the fruits of industrialization, the United States study of the pioneering spirit of the Wright brothers, implementation of home automation, intelligent and electrification.
In fact, a long way to go, self-cultivation is also very long, wonder in the future are welcome throughout the health of people with lofty ideals to join Kawano Electric Co., Ltd., Intelligent Electronics shoe put the project bigger and stronger, resulting in a listed company. I firmly believe that everyone can be like-minded, and understand the development of intelligent electronic shoe trend, persevere and work together, forge ahead, we can get fruitful returns. We will maintain integrity, Thanksgiving and the Buddha throughout the commercial culture, and national distributors and end-user common development!

热心网友 时间:2024-03-08 01:38

Mr Chairman:
Dear friends:
Hello everyone!
China's economic and social development, is actually a from a traditional agricultural civilization and progress to the process of modern industrial civilization, at this transitional stage, we each family's material wealth, way of life has changed dramatically. Single point of view from the kitchen, wood cabinets from the initial evolution to the present electron****and storage of food refrigerator, it is time for decades. With the deepening of industrialization, the traditional wooden kitchen furniture has gradually been replaced by the modernization of household appliances; Intelligent Electronics disinfection shoe with beautiful decoration, Shoe Shine, disinfectant, deodorant and other functions, is bound to replace the traditional wooden shoe home. The rapid development of modern manufacturing industry, various features of chips and electrical parts more and more developed, which led to this inevitability.
Faced with the general trend of social development, in order to improve the material life of the people, put their wisdom and talent to contribute fully to society, the creation of special health Electric Ltd. Kawano. Aim is to use the fruits of industrialization, the United States study of the pioneering spirit of the Wright brothers, implementation of home automation, intelligent and electrification.
In fact, a long way to go, self-cultivation is also very long, wonder in the future are welcome throughout the health of people with lofty ideals to join Kawano Electric Co., Ltd., Intelligent Electronics shoe put the project bigger and stronger, resulting in a listed company. I firmly believe that everyone can be like-minded, and understand the development of intelligent electronic shoe trend, persevere and work together, forge ahead, we can get fruitful returns. We will maintain integrity, Thanksgiving and the Buddha throughout the commercial culture, and national distributors and end-user common development!
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