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斯大林英文简介 100-150词 急!!!

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-05 10:55



热心网友 时间:2022-06-27 10:06

  Norwich (1879.12.21~1953.3.5),was born in Tbilisi, the Russian Empire, the western province of the city of Gori, an important leader of the Soviet Union,the international communist movement activists, a former Soviet Communist Party Central Committee General Secretary, President of the USSR Council of Ministers (Prime Minister), on the twentieth century the Soviet Union and The world had a profound impact. During his tenure, he implemented a comprehensive policy of collectivization of agriculture, leading to a serious famine. The way he planned economy, large-scale instrialization, heavy instry and military power the Soviet Union to become.
  At the same time Stalin to build his own personality cult, on the political and the military purges, the oppression of ethnic minorities famous exile. World War II, Stalin's Soviet Union and the Allied victory over Nazi Germany together and the Japanese Empire, and achieved victory. After the war he support the Eastern Group, the establishment of a socialist country camp in the Cold War with the United States, Britain and other capitalist countries confrontation.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-27 10:06

Norwich (1879.12.21~1953.3.5),was born in Tbilisi, the Russian Empire, the western province of the city of Gori, an important leader of the Soviet Union,the international communist movement activists, a former Soviet Communist Party Central Committee General Secretary, President of the USSR Council of Ministers (Prime Minister), on the twentieth century the Soviet Union and The world had a profound impact. During his tenure, he implemented a comprehensive policy of collectivization of agriculture, leading to a serious famine. The way he planned economy, large-scale instrialization, heavy instry and military power the Soviet Union to become.
At the same time Stalin to build his own personality cult, on the political and the military purges, the oppression of ethnic minorities famous exile. World War II, Stalin's Soviet Union and the Allied victory over Nazi Germany together and the Japanese Empire, and achieved victory. After the war he support the Eastern Group, the establishment of a socialist country camp in the Cold War with the United States, Britain and other capitalist countries confrontation. Norwich Stalin, the original Willy Norwich Zhu Gash, an important leader of the Soviet Union, one of the international communist movement activists, a former Soviet Communist Party Central Committee General Secretary, President of the USSR Council of Ministers (Prime Minister), on the twentieth century the Soviet Union and the world had a profound impact. During his tenure, he implemented a comprehensive policy of collectivization of agriculture, leading to a serious famine. The way he planned economy, large-scale instrialization, heavy instry and military power the Soviet Union to become.
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