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发布网友 发布时间:2024-03-09 00:01



热心网友 时间:2024-04-05 11:58

There are a lot of scenes about the impression of dad in the brain, and many of them are wrong after education, a variety of ways.
For Dad, there is no speech like mother, has been very strange, or that it is the sister of the way, we should communicate with men as a way. Dad did not earn a lot of money, did not show off the limelight, the children did not achieve the imagination, but regardless from what perspective, he was successful. Impression in the condition in the home began to start is my primary school, the Father also has 28, 29 The, quick to thirties, started relatively late, midway still flat, very hard. Think, he had pretty much weakness, soft hearted, hesitation, the too good, may is the so that he did not do better, in fact, he completely in that, many people admire and respect. Dad has all the advantages of a good man: filial piety, love family, love mother, love children, even before the very good temper, but also slowly grinding away. It's no doubt that Dad will become happier and happier in the back..
To fight the bottom of my heart and admire dad, a lot of aspects. Although sometimes because of dissatisfaction with his approach and quarrel with him. Come over so many years, even have been afraid of my father, and father quarreled, cold war, sometimes he gas have no words to say, in the end is, they have no good fruit to eat, now think about it, only a brain guilty, too shy to admit his mistake. Thankfully, things have been in the past for a long time. But jump out of view, the father taught the child are potential shares, the self feel good qualities have slowly emerged. Sister, had previously been didn't think where she was a good, even now back home, do not feel, but her performance on the outside is indeed obvious, is stronger than me, not the slightest bit. Maybe it is the mature faster than me. I have to refuel. Anyway, Dad everything will have a harvest, good harvest.
Selection of this year's this speech is a reason of: continuous two years my father at this time no one beside children and graduate next year, heart a little did not end, hope this speech can become a milestone for me. Immediately, to fight, the starting point is good, the end is better. It's not too late for me to be 21 years old. For me, that's the real rite of adulthood. It's probably a bit late and it's not too late.. Thank the best friends, thank you for the loved ones, thank you, mom, Dad..
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