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发布网友 发布时间:2024-04-23 13:34



热心网友 时间:2024-11-01 09:02

That feeling is not as bad as I expected.
Today I'm quite happy.After a busy day,I still begin to think of him as usual.
Though time passes slowly , I am waiting for the day that he comes back.I heard that there are two months before he is back.
I have got used to the time of waiting,but I still wish that time can go faster.
I have learnt to be strong and brave,depending much less on others in my life.I no longer make cries when I see mice,and I can cross the one-metre wide ditch without other hands.
Will you think of me? Even just in a flash and not by any remind.
What do you say if I say everything is destined?
I believe it is.
中文段落在翻译成英文时会带来一定困惑.就是人称的变换,前面一直说第三人称"他",后面结尾却变成了"你",在中文里人称变换不会影响我们的理解,但是在英文里这样一变很容易造成误解.所以建议将英文中的人称统一,都用"他" 或 "你".

热心网友 时间:2024-11-01 09:02



I nearly depend on nobody in my life,no more scream when messed pu with rats.Never need helping-hans when cross the 1 metre deep canal.WHave u ever missed me?Even that was just a flash.
Do u rather to believe that it was all destined?

热心网友 时间:2024-11-01 09:02

That feeling is not as bad as I expected.
Today I'm quite happy.After a busy day,I still begin to think of him as usual.
Though time passes slowly , I am waiting for the day that he comes back.I heard that there are two months before he is back.
I have got used to the time of waiting,but I still wish that time can go faster.
I have learnt to be strong and brave,depending much less on others in my life.I no longer make cries when I see mice,and I can cross the one-metre wide ditch without other hands.
Will you think of me? Even just in a flash and not by any remind.
What do you say if I say everything is destined?
I believe it is.
中文段落在翻译成英文时会带来一定困惑.就是人称的变换,前面一直说第三人称"他",后面结尾却变成了"你",在中文里人称变换不会影响我们的理解,但是在英文里这样一变很容易造成误解.所以建议将英文中的人称统一,都用"他" 或 "你".

热心网友 时间:2024-11-01 09:02



I nearly depend on nobody in my life,no more scream when messed pu with rats.Never need helping-hans when cross the 1 metre deep canal.WHave u ever missed me?Even that was just a flash.
Do u rather to believe that it was all destined?

热心网友 时间:2024-11-01 09:02

That feeling is not as bad as I expected.
Today I'm quite happy.After a busy day,I still begin to think of him as usual.
Though time passes slowly , I am waiting for the day that he comes back.I heard that there are two months before he is back.
I have got used to the time of waiting,but I still wish that time can go faster.
I have learnt to be strong and brave,depending much less on others in my life.I no longer make cries when I see mice,and I can cross the one-metre wide ditch without other hands.
Will you think of me? Even just in a flash and not by any remind.
What do you say if I say everything is destined?
I believe it is.
中文段落在翻译成英文时会带来一定困惑.就是人称的变换,前面一直说第三人称"他",后面结尾却变成了"你",在中文里人称变换不会影响我们的理解,但是在英文里这样一变很容易造成误解.所以建议将英文中的人称统一,都用"他" 或 "你".

热心网友 时间:2024-11-01 09:03



I nearly depend on nobody in my life,no more scream when messed pu with rats.Never need helping-hans when cross the 1 metre deep canal.WHave u ever missed me?Even that was just a flash.
Do u rather to believe that it was all destined?
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