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That S How Strong My Love Is 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2024-04-17 05:19



热心网友 时间:2024-04-18 22:52

歌曲名:That S How Strong My Love Is
歌手:The Hollies
专辑:Hollies/Would You Believe?

Alicia Keys - That's How Strong My Love Is
Some people call me crazy
For falling in love with you
Then can take me and love away baby
Cause there is nothing else they can do
I will be the rising moon and setting sun
Just to let you know that you always have someone
I will be the clearest day when the rain is done
So you will always know
Through a shake of an earthquake
I will never fall
That's how strong my love is
Like a ship through the storm
We can risk it all
That's how strong my love is
I use to feel kinda lonely
Cause in our world it so fake
No matter what i'm telling you
It's me and you only
And the fortunes of love we make
I will be the one you need in the desert land
Just to let you know you will always have my hand
I will be the woman you need to be a better man
So you will always know
Through a shake of an earthquake
I will never fall
That's how strong my love is
Like a ship through the storm
We can risk it all
That's how strong my love is
Oh, can nothing break us down
Oh, cause we are heaven bound
Like the mountian standing tall
And moving over here to stay
Oh,can nothing get in the way
Through a shake of an earthquake
I will never fall(i will never fall)
That's how strong my love is(that's how strong my love is)
Like a ship through the storm
We can risk it all(we can risk it all)
That's how strong my love is(that love is)
Through the deepest water
I'll never let you drown
That's how strong my love is
Like the moon in the sky
That it would never come down
That's how strong my love is
That's how strong my love is
That's how strong my love is

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