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Sleepthief的《Eurydice》 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2024-04-16 13:42



热心网友 时间:2024-04-18 13:41

作曲:Elswick, Quine
所属专辑:The Dawnseeker
Touch my heart
Her beauty sways the gods
A gift of
loving days

i've lost you my lovely
To the depths of an ocean
blind faith
You follow me with your hope and devotion

I sing to your
I'm lost to release you
No heaven waits for you my sweet

I'll follow your demise to hell and beyond

I'm given the chance to
lead you home
No looking back, no way to know
The light is ahead, we're
moving slow
Approaching life, where you will be home

lost you my lovely
To the depths of an ocean
My blind faith,
follow you with my hope and devotion

I'll sing for your freedom
lost to release you
No heaven waits for us my sweet
I'll follow your
demise to hell and beyond

We will meet again
In life or in death

Touch my heart beats
And beauty sways
My life, a song, a longing

I found you my lovely
In the depths of an ocean
A story
together of hope and devotion
I found you my lovely
In the depths of an
A story forever of hope and devotion

热心网友 时间:2024-04-18 13:41

专辑:the dawnseeker

乐手: Sleepthief
歌名: Eurydice
Eurydice - sleepthie...
Touch my heart
Her beauty sways the gods
A gift of loving days
i’ve lost you my lovely
To the depths of an ocean
My blind faith
You follow me with your hope and devotion
I sing to your freedom
I’m lost to release you
No heaven waits for you my sweet
I’ll follow your demise to hell and beyond
Sleepthief - Eurydice
I’m given the chance to lead you home
No looking back, no way to know
The light is ahead, we’re moving slow
Approaching life, where you will be home
But I’ve lost you my lovely
To the depths of an ocean
My blind faith,
I follow you with my hope and devotion
I’ll sing for your freedom
I’m lost to release you
No heaven waits for us my sweet
I’ll follow your demise to hell and beyond
We will meet again
In life or in death
Touch my heart beats
And beauty sways
My life, a song, a longing day
I found you my lovely
In the depths of an ocean
A story together of hope and devotion
I found you my lovely
In the depths of an ocean
A story forever of hope and devotion

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