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发布网友 发布时间:2024-04-17 00:42



热心网友 时间:2024-04-21 23:21


The Mid-Autumn festival, Chinese August 15, the traditional festivals in China. Festival has a DuoZhong about the origin of that on this day, there are a lot of legend and tradition. The Spring Festival, Mid-Autumn festival and the qingming festival, the Dragon Boat Festival and called the four Chinese han nationality traditional festival. Since 2008 the Mid-Autumn festival is listed as national legal holidays. Country attaches great importance to the protection of non-material cultural heritage, May 20, 2006, the festival with the approval of the state council listed in the first national nonmaterial cultural heritage list.

The Chinese New Year is a festival whose Chinese are most important.The history of the Chinese New Year is very long.Stanza front stick in an on the face the New Year's Day of the implied meaning of the yellow word in red paper in top send message by word and the god of wealth resembles with hang deep red lantern etc.. The Chinese New Year is a close relatives the festival of the family reunion.The not far a long distance in child that leave the house returns to the home.The family rounds to sit together a dumpling, use the dumpling symbol family reunion.The beginning of January is on thering is fiesta cooking stove etc. rites before;In the stanza make New Year's visit the child New Year's Money, friend etc.

热心网友 时间:2024-04-21 23:22

The new year is the holiday which everybody likes very much. we may set off the smoke and fire. and the family member eat greatly. may also take some new year's moneies.
Mid-Autumn Festival is the day which the whole family reunites. the whole family may eat the moon cake together. enjoys looking at the moon brightly together.as soon as may also play the lantern.
National Day is a lot of people like the day of our China a more important day. We can travel in the National Day and their families can also make a break.

The spring festival is Chinese new year. Chinese people would return to their family, eat dumplings and dry nuts, set fireworks to celebrate this festival.

The dragon boat day is rarely seen now days. But people celebrate this day by racing dragon shaped boat and play traditional drum music to express the excitiment of the racing competition.
With the Lantern Festival, people carry paper lanterns and go to temples to celebrate, sloving riddles written on lanterns, and eat Tangyuan.
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