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发布网友 发布时间:2024-04-17 03:00



热心网友 时间:2024-04-19 18:34

Richie Stringini - best friend


热心网友 时间:2024-04-19 18:37

《Best Friends》
是德国乐队组合US5唱的(US5乐队由Richie Stringini、Chris Watrin、Jay Khan、Izzy Gallego以及Michael Johnson五位男生组成)

这里可以在线试听 http://www.songtaste.com/song/279895

专辑名: In Control   歌手: US5   发行时间: 2006年11月24日
And after everything that we've been through
I'm still here with you
Cuz you're still my lady, cuz you're my lady
I swear I'm gonna make you happy
for the rest of my life
Cuz you're my lady and I'm your best friend,
and I'm your best friend

In times when all hope is gone
And sadness fills your heart with pain
You wonder (yeah)
If there's anyone that you can call
To somebody who's left all alone

You're such a loyal friend and now I know that I'll never find
somebody quite like you
I appreciate the day you came and you stayed

And after everything that we've been through
I'm still here with you
Cuz you're still my lady, cuz you're my lady
I swear I'm gonna make you happy
for the rest of my life
Cuz you're my lady and I'm your best friend,
and I'm your best friend

Some people said that we'd never survive we showed
them that dreams can come true and it's for sure

Our secret lies behind an endless friendship and nothing
could tear us apart

You're such a loyal friend and now I know that I'll never find
somebody quite like you
I appreciate the day you came and you stayed

And after everything that we've been through
I'm still here with you
Cuz you're still my lady, cuz you're my lady
I swear I'm gonna make you happy
for the rest of my life
Cuz you're my lady and I'm your best friend,
and I'm your best friend

True love so hard to find
Especially if it's someone you can call your best friend
No matter what problems occur you will overcome them
with her, with her

And after everything that we've been through
I'm still here with you
Cuz you're still my lady, cuz you're my lady
I swear I'm gonna make you happy
for the rest of my life
Cuz you're my lady and I'm your best friend,
and I'm your best friend

热心网友 时间:2024-04-19 18:29

没错,就是Richie Stringini - best friend 。上面两位朋友很智慧。顶!
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