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发布网友 发布时间:2024-04-15 19:50



热心网友 时间:2024-12-15 08:43

The rabbit grew four legs, on leap on jump, run quick.
The tortoise also grew four legs, climb ah, climb ah, climb really slowly.
One day, the rabbit runs into the tortoise, saying smilingly:" Tortoise, tortoise, we to run a race, good?" The tortoise knows the rabbit at open his fun, stare a pair of small eyes, ignore also not trample.The rabbit knows that the tortoise dares not to run a race with him, joy put the ear to keep leap to jump, still wove a folk song joke he:
The tortoise, the tortoise, climb,
Early in the morning the s adopt the flower;
The tortoise, the tortoise, walk,
In the evening still in the doorway.
The tortoise got angry, say:" Rabbit, rabbit, you do not be very cocky, we come right away to run."
" What, what?Tortoise, what do you say?"
" We this comes right away the footrace."
Once the rabbit hear, almost smiled to break the belly:" Tortoise, do you really dare to run a race with me?That good, we from run here, see who run first there foot of a hill under of a big tree.Prepare!A, three, --- "
The rabbit distributes the leg to run, running really quickly, run in a short while very far.He turn head on see, the tortoise just climbed one small segment road, wish:The tortoise dares to run a race with rabbit, is really a big joke an an an an an an an an an an an an a day!I ah, sleep here up on feeling greatly, let him climb to here, not, let him climb the front to go to, I three leap two of catch up him.",, The victory is precise is my !" The rabbit chase the body go toward ground up a slanting, match the upper eyelid, really of asleep.
Say again the tortoise, really climb also slow, but he a strength the son ground climb, climb ah, climb ah, climb, wait he climbs the rabbit nearby, already tired and bad.The rabbit returns to go to bed again, the tortoise also wants to take a break, can he know that the rabbit run compare quickly, he only have persistence that the climb-down goes to just win probably.Hence, he without intermission before go toward climb, climb, climb.Leave the big tree more and more near, only bad several ten step, more than ten step, several step the ……… arrived finally.
Rabbit?He still goes to bed!After rabbit wake up hereafter on see, alas, how does the tortoise be missing?Before go toward again on see, oh, impending!The tortoise has already greatlied and under the tree climb to.Once the rabbit saw nasty, catching up to go to quickly can already late, the tortoise has already won.The tortoise victory.
The rabbit run quickly, the tortoise run slowly, why compete the tortoise to win on the contrary this time?
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