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what canyou learn from Wilma's success story

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-06 09:34



懂视网 时间:2022-05-06 13:55

Memcached becomes more and more popular nowadays. It is widely used by many heavy loaded sites. Why does it succeed? Well, of course the first and the most important reason is that it meets the need for speed of the web 2.0 sites, by cachi

Memcached becomes more and more popular nowadays. It is widely used by many heavy loaded sites. Why does it succeed?

Well, of course the first and the most important reason is that it meets the need for speed of the web 2.0 sites, by caching data and objects in memory. However, from the point of view of a server developer, what I want to emphasize is that it is the simplicity of memcached’s protocol design makes it more successful. Take a look at memcached’s protocol:

  • storage: ("set", "add", "replace", "append", "prepend", "cas")
    cas [noreply]rn
    reply: ("ERRORrn", "CLIENT_ERROR rn", "SERVER_ERROR rn",
    "STOREDrn", "NOT_FOUNDrn", "EXISTSrn", "NOT_FOUNDrn")
  • retrieval: ("get", "gets")
    get rn
    gets rn
    reply: ("ENDrn",
    "VALUE []rnrn")
  • deletion:
    delete [
  • increment/decrement: ("incr", "decr")
    incr [noreply]rn
    decr [noreply]rn
    reply: ("NOT_FOUNDrn",
  • statistics: ("stat")
    stats rn
    reply: ("STAT rn",
    "STAT items:: rn"
  • other:
    reply: ("OKrn")
    reply: ("VERSION rn")
    reply: ("OKrn")
  • With the textual protocol as shown above, memcache can be easily supported and implemented in various programming languages. No wonder dozens of different memcache clients appear. And then it consequently boosts memcached’s use. Simple thing usually will withstand the test of time. The old simple textual protocols, e.g., HTTP, FTP, SMTP and POP3 are still in use on the modern Internet. Not only because textual protocols can be easily parsed and extended, but also they are convenient for human being to read and debug. This is where the UNIX philosophy shines.

    In conclusion, always prefer textual protocol when designing your own application. It would turn out to be really a wise decision.

    热心网友 时间:2022-05-06 11:03

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