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以“What I Know about Space Science”为题 写一篇短文

发布网友 发布时间:2024-04-21 20:51



热心网友 时间:2024-06-09 22:48

Space science is refers to the use of spacecraft research occurred in day earth space,interplanetary space,when the whole
universe space physics,astronomy,chemical and life and other natural phenomena and law science.Space science,with space
technology as the foundation,including space flight,space exploration and space development,etc.It can not only reveal the
universe mystery,but also of great benefit to mankind.
Space exploration is space science research foundation.Space exploration is the main type of space vehicle detection,
including:rockets detection,the balloon detection,ground stations detection,etc.Use a space flight to search for life in the
universe,it is very interesting important scientific problems.After the detection of planets,especially to Mars detecting,
has not yet found signs of life.But in space already found more than 30 kinds of organic molecules,of which there are several
belongs to life on earth is the basic material.Scientists are eager to find in the interstellar space more advanced forms of
organic molecules.
In practical application of space science has made a lot of progress,as in communication,navigation,surveying,
meteorological observation,remote sensing,etc.In the space environment,for the development and production of high quality of
single crystalAnd crystal,alloy and amorphous materials and high accurate electronic and optical devices and special medicines,
etc.,will produce the huge economic effect.Modern space science and technology,has developed into the possible in the earth
withStep the height of the satellite orbit establish solar power plants to obtain inexhaustible and inexhaustible clean energy.
Space already to the development and utilization of human shows a promising future.
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