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发布网友 发布时间:2024-04-20 18:23



热心网友 时间:2024-07-12 14:04

Hong Kong - An Unforgettable Travel
Hong Kong is a coastal city located in the southern part of China whose name is translated "fragrant harbor" in the traditional Mandarin language.
Once you get your passport, you can be on your way to Hong Kong but we would suggest that you plan your travel date to coincide with one of the many festivals that occur in China. These events present a wonderful opportunity to really get insight into the people and culture ofChina. Some of the best known events include the Chinese New Year, the Man Literary Festival, the Hong Kong Arts Festival and the Hong Kong Film Festival.

One unusual activity that can be enjoyed in this city is provided by a visit to the Dialogue in the Dark attraction. Here, the visitor experiences Hong Kong totally in the dark, using the senses other than sight to get a new perspective on the surroundings. Built to resemble a Chinese temple, the Hong Kong Museum of Art houses a large number of very famous paintings while also providing an unforgettable view of Hong Kong.

Many of the Chinese people are Buddhists and a visit to the Temple of Ten Thousand Buddhas will give you insights into this religion and people. While the building houses significant Chinese relics, the grounds provide beautiful landscape and large trees where a vast number of monkeys enjoy their days. Chinese is also available to sampling. If you want to get to know the country aspect, check out a Chinese fishing village where every inch is rich with culture and charm.

While portions of Hong Kong are beautifully developed, there is actually 70% of its land mass that remains untouched. This provides a wonderful opportunity to glimpse the world renowned beauty of the Chinese landscapes and green spaces. It also serves as an opportunity to escape the busyness of the inner city. A string of coastal islands provide activities like fishing, camping and hiking and a visit to Lantau Island will treat you to a view of the rare and famous Chinese White Dolphin.

We could certainly go on and on about the beauty and places to see in Hong Kong but you can't get there without a passport. You expedite passport renewal if you contact a passport online service and leave all the work up to them. An emergency passport replacement can be secured quickly and, if the need exists, it can be shipped to you overnight. Get your passport and head for one of the most famous cities in the world, Hong Kong.

热心网友 时间:2024-07-12 14:04

I will go to travel far away, there is very beautiful place. I will after the city you live on the way, I want play for a several day in the beautiful city, I hope you can be my guide, I thank you very much. If you can help me to book a hotel. because I will be in twenty when leave, hope you can help me to reserve a ticket . I will thank you very much for you, you are a very good friend.

热心网友 时间:2024-07-12 14:05

I hope you can be my guide, I thank you very much. If you can help me to book a hotel. because I will be in twenty when leave, hope you can help me to reserve a ticket . I will thank you very much for you, you are a very good friend.
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