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发布网友 发布时间:2024-04-06 08:39



热心网友 时间:2024-04-10 22:14

I'm sittin here
thinkin' bout
how I'm gonna
do without
you around
in my life
and how am I...
gon get by
ain't got no days
just lonely nights
you want the truth
well girl I'm not alright
feel out of place
and out of time
I think I'm gonna lose my mind (so tell me how you feel)
I'm lonely (are you for real)
so lonely (do you still think of me)
I think of you (baby still
do you dream of me at night)
its like I dream you all the time
(so long....
oh let me tell you how it feels)
its like everyday I die
(wish I was dreaming but its real)
when I open up my eyes
(oh let me tell you how it feels)
and don't see your pretty face
(I think that I will never love again)
I miss your face
I miss your kiss
I even miss, the arguments
that we would have
from time to time
I miss you standing by my side
I'm dying here
its clear to see
there ain't no u
God knows there ain't no me
don't wanna live
I wanna die
if I can't have you in my life
(so tell me how you feel
are you for real)
for real
(do you still think of me)
I think of you
(baby still
do you dream of me at night)
its like I dream you all the time
(so long..
oh let me tell you how it feels)
its like everyday I die
(wish I was dreamin but its real)
when I open up my eyes
(oh let me tell you how it feels)
and don't see your pretty face
(I think that I will never love again)
will never I will never love again
(so tell me how you feel)
tell me how you feel
(are you for real)
so lonely
(do you still think of me)
baby still
do you dream of me at night)
its like I dream you all the time
(so long...
oh let me tell you how it feels)
its like everyday I die
(wish I was dreaming but its real)
when I open up my eyes
(oh let me tell you how it feels)
and I don't see your pretty face
(I think that I will never love again)
i'll never ever ever love again
(so tell me how you feel)
I'm lonely
(are you for real)
so lonely
(do you still think of me
baby still
(do you dream of me at night?)
I dream of you all the time
(so long...)
...fade out


热心网友 时间:2024-04-10 22:15

是 这个吧 《Loneliness》...

热心网友 时间:2024-04-10 22:15

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