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发布网友 发布时间:2024-04-01 15:50



热心网友 时间:2024-04-01 20:19

Dear Mark,
It's nice to hear from you.How are you you recently?You said in the letter that you are coming to china for a vist,let me make a travel plan for you,maybe you will be content with it.
You know that the winter vacation is around the corner,and it's the best time for the travellers to pay a visit to the Hainan Isand.Therefore,I advise to go to Hainan.I have already consulted the travel agency that it will cost 8,000Yuan for a five-day and four-night to Hainan.On the first day,we take a plane to Sanya and spend the night in Sanya Hotel.On the second and third day,we go to the Dadonghai Beach and Yalingwan to ralex ourselves on the beach to experience the sunshine in the winter which must be very comfortable.On the fourth day,we can take a bus to Haikou and go shopping there.On the last day,we get back.
Therefore,how about my plan?I am looking forward to hearing from you again.Welcome to China!


热心网友 时间:2024-04-01 20:14

Dear Mark,
It's nice to hear from you.How are you you recently?You said in the letter that you are coming to china for a vist,let me make a travel plan for you,maybe you will be content with it.
You know that the winter vacation is around the corner,and it's the best time for the travellers to pay a visit to the Hainan Isand.Therefore,I advise to go to Hainan.I have already consulted the travel agency that it will cost 8,000Yuan for a five-day and four-night to Hainan.On the first day,we take a plane to Sanya and spend the night in Sanya Hotel.On the second and third day,we go to the Dadonghai Beach and Yalingwan to ralex ourselves on the beach to experience the sunshine in the winter which must be very comfortable.On the fourth day,we can take a bus to Haikou and go shopping there.On the last day,we get back.
Therefore,how about my plan?I am looking forward to hearing from you again.Welcome to China!
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