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发布网友 发布时间:2024-04-11 08:48



热心网友 时间:2024-04-16 10:45

Talk about Blog
Nowadays, many students, especially senior high school student have their own blog, I want to talk about my own viewpoint about this phenomenon.
The advantage of blog is you could have more friend than you have in reality. You could study different knowledge from different people's blog, like the famous people in the society. So the good aspect of having a blog is have many new friends, and you will never make these friends from school, and you could learn more from the elite blog.
The disadvantage of blog is you will accept more or less the trash news from the course when you click the blog, and you could also see more advertisment from the course, read more pop stars' news is nothing for life and study, and it is totally waste of time, so you will read something not good for you, this is the blog's disadvantage.
I think you could have a blog, but you must control the content and your friend number, and the deadline is write blog is useful for your reality life, not bad for it.
We are now grow up, and I think the advantage is much bigger than the disadvantage, cause we could control ourself better than then we study in senior school.

热心网友 时间:2024-04-16 10:44

Love me, love my dog
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