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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-06 07:03



热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 23:36

class _bstr_t {
// Constructors
_bstr_t() throw();
_bstr_t(const _bstr_t& s) throw();
_bstr_t(const char* s) throw(_com_error);
_bstr_t(const wchar_t* s) throw(_com_error);
_bstr_t(const _variant_t& var) throw(_com_error);
_bstr_t(BSTR bstr, bool fCopy) throw(_com_error);

// Destructor
~_bstr_t() throw();

// Assignment operators
_bstr_t& operator=(const _bstr_t& s) throw();
_bstr_t& operator=(const char* s) throw(_com_error);
_bstr_t& operator=(const wchar_t* s) throw(_com_error);
_bstr_t& operator=(const _variant_t& var) throw(_com_error);

// Operators
_bstr_t& operator+=(const _bstr_t& s) throw(_com_error);
_bstr_t operator+(const _bstr_t& s) const throw(_com_error);

// Friend operators
friend _bstr_t operator+(const char* s1, const _bstr_t& s2) throw(_com_error);
friend _bstr_t operator+(const wchar_t* s1, const _bstr_t& s2) throw(_com_error);

// Extractors
operator const wchar_t*() const throw();
operator wchar_t*() const throw();
operator const char*() const throw(_com_error);
operator char*() const throw(_com_error);

// Comparison operators
bool operator!() const throw();
bool operator==(const _bstr_t& str) const throw();
bool operator!=(const _bstr_t& str) const throw();
bool operator<(const _bstr_t& str) const throw();
bool operator>(const _bstr_t& str) const throw();
bool operator<=(const _bstr_t& str) const throw();
bool operator>=(const _bstr_t& str) const throw();

// Low-level helper functions
BSTR copy() const throw(_com_error);
unsigned int length() const throw();

// Binary string assign
void Assign(BSTR s) throw(_com_error);

// Referenced counted wrapper
class Data_t {
// Constructors
Data_t(const char* s) throw(_com_error);
Data_t(const wchar_t* s) throw(_com_error);
Data_t(BSTR bstr, bool fCopy) throw(_com_error);
Data_t(const _bstr_t& s1, const _bstr_t& s2) throw(_com_error);

// Reference counting routines
unsigned long AddRef() throw();
unsigned long Release() throw();

// Extractors
operator const wchar_t*() const throw();
operator const char*() const throw(_com_error);

// Low-level helper functions
const wchar_t* GetWString() const throw();
const char* GetString() const throw(_com_error);

BSTR Copy() const throw(_com_error);
void Assign(BSTR s) throw(_com_error);
unsigned int Length() const throw();
int Compare(const Data_t& str) const throw();

wchar_t* m_wstr;
mutable char* m_str;
unsigned long m_RefCount;

// Never allow default construction
Data_t() throw();

// Never allow copy
Data_t(const Data_t& s) throw();

// Prevent deletes from outside. Release() must be used.
~Data_t() throw();

void _Free() throw();

// Reference counted representation
Data_t* m_Data;

// Low-level utilities
void _AddRef() throw();
void _Free() throw();
int _Compare(const _bstr_t& str) const throw();

class _variant_t : public ::tagVARIANT {
// Constructors
_variant_t() throw();

_variant_t(const VARIANT& varSrc) throw(_com_error);
_variant_t(const VARIANT* pSrc) throw(_com_error);
_variant_t(const _variant_t& varSrc) throw(_com_error);

_variant_t(VARIANT& varSrc, bool fCopy) throw(_com_error); // Attach VARIANT if !fCopy

_variant_t(short sSrc, VARTYPE vtSrc = VT_I2) throw(_com_error); // Creates a VT_I2, or a VT_BOOL
_variant_t(long lSrc, VARTYPE vtSrc = VT_I4) throw(_com_error); // Creates a VT_I4, a VT_ERROR, or a VT_BOOL
_variant_t(float fltSrc) throw(); // Creates a VT_R4
_variant_t(double dblSrc, VARTYPE vtSrc = VT_R8) throw(_com_error); // Creates a VT_R8, or a VT_DATE
_variant_t(const CY& cySrc) throw(); // Creates a VT_CY
_variant_t(const _bstr_t& bstrSrc) throw(_com_error); // Creates a VT_BSTR
_variant_t(const wchar_t *pSrc) throw(_com_error); // Creates a VT_BSTR
_variant_t(const char* pSrc) throw(_com_error); // Creates a VT_BSTR
_variant_t(IDispatch* pSrc, bool fAddRef = true) throw(); // Creates a VT_DISPATCH
_variant_t(bool bSrc) throw(); // Creates a VT_BOOL
_variant_t(IUnknown* pSrc, bool fAddRef = true) throw(); // Creates a VT_UNKNOWN
_variant_t(const DECIMAL& decSrc) throw(); // Creates a VT_DECIMAL
_variant_t(BYTE bSrc) throw(); // Creates a VT_UI1

// Destructor
~_variant_t() throw(_com_error);

// Extractors
operator short() const throw(_com_error); // Extracts a short from a VT_I2
operator long() const throw(_com_error); // Extracts a long from a VT_I4
operator float() const throw(_com_error); // Extracts a float from a VT_R4
operator double() const throw(_com_error); // Extracts a double from a VT_R8
operator CY() const throw(_com_error); // Extracts a CY from a VT_CY
operator _bstr_t() const throw(_com_error); // Extracts a _bstr_t from a VT_BSTR
operator IDispatch*() const throw(_com_error); // Extracts a IDispatch* from a VT_DISPATCH
operator bool() const throw(_com_error); // Extracts a bool from a VT_BOOL
operator IUnknown*() const throw(_com_error); // Extracts a IUnknown* from a VT_UNKNOWN
operator DECIMAL() const throw(_com_error); // Extracts a DECIMAL from a VT_DECIMAL
operator BYTE() const throw(_com_error); // Extracts a BTYE (unsigned char) from a VT_UI1

// Assignment operations
_variant_t& operator=(const VARIANT& varSrc) throw(_com_error);
_variant_t& operator=(const VARIANT* pSrc) throw(_com_error);
_variant_t& operator=(const _variant_t& varSrc) throw(_com_error);

_variant_t& operator=(short sSrc) throw(_com_error); // Assign a VT_I2, or a VT_BOOL
_variant_t& operator=(long lSrc) throw(_com_error); // Assign a VT_I4, a VT_ERROR or a VT_BOOL
_variant_t& operator=(float fltSrc) throw(_com_error); // Assign a VT_R4
_variant_t& operator=(double dblSrc) throw(_com_error); // Assign a VT_R8, or a VT_DATE
_variant_t& operator=(const CY& cySrc) throw(_com_error); // Assign a VT_CY
_variant_t& operator=(const _bstr_t& bstrSrc) throw(_com_error); // Assign a VT_BSTR
_variant_t& operator=(const wchar_t* pSrc) throw(_com_error); // Assign a VT_BSTR
_variant_t& operator=(const char* pSrc) throw(_com_error); // Assign a VT_BSTR
_variant_t& operator=(IDispatch* pSrc) throw(_com_error); // Assign a VT_DISPATCH
_variant_t& operator=(bool bSrc) throw(_com_error); // Assign a VT_BOOL
_variant_t& operator=(IUnknown* pSrc) throw(_com_error); // Assign a VT_UNKNOWN
_variant_t& operator=(const DECIMAL& decSrc) throw(_com_error); // Assign a VT_DECIMAL
_variant_t& operator=(BYTE bSrc) throw(_com_error); // Assign a VT_UI1

// Comparison operations
bool operator==(const VARIANT& varSrc) const throw(_com_error);
bool operator==(const VARIANT* pSrc) const throw(_com_error);

bool operator!=(const VARIANT& varSrc) const throw(_com_error);
bool operator!=(const VARIANT* pSrc) const throw(_com_error);

// Low-level operations
void Clear() throw(_com_error);

void Attach(VARIANT& varSrc) throw(_com_error);
VARIANT Detach() throw(_com_error);

void ChangeType(VARTYPE vartype, const _variant_t* pSrc = NULL) throw(_com_error);

void SetString(const char* pSrc) throw(_com_error); // used to set ANSI string

热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 23:37



热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 23:37

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