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...to be for teenagers.they used to have money to spend

发布网友 发布时间:2024-04-13 09:59



热心网友 时间:2024-09-29 10:27

Life used to be fun for teenagers.They used to have money to spend,and free time to spend.They used to wear teenage clothes, and meet in teenage coffee bars and discos (迪斯科舞厅).But for many young people,life is harder now.Jobs are difficult to find. cooco.net.cn
There is not so much money around.Things are more expensive, and it is hard to find a place to live in.Teachers say that students work harder than they used to.They are less interested in politics and more interested in passing exams.They know that good exam results may get them better jobs.

Most young people worry more about money than their parents did twenty years ago.They try to spend less and save more. They want to be able to get homes of their own one day.

For some,the answer to unemployed is to leave home and look for work in one of the Britain's big cities.Every day hundreds of young people arrive in London from other parts of Britain,looking for jobs.Some find and stay.Others don’t find it,and go home again.

When you read the newspapers and watch the news on televisions. It's easy to get the idea that British young people lose their jobs and are in trouble.But that's not true.

1.The underlined sentence “There is not so much money around.”means_________.

A.many young people don't have so much money left.

B.it's not easy to make money now.

C.the friends around the young people have no money.

D.many young people's parents haven't given them much money.

2.Why do students study harder than before?

A.Because the things are more expensive.

B.Because they have no homes to live in.

C.Because they are not interested in politics any more.

D.Because they want to get better jobs and get more money.

3.Which of the following is TRUE?

A.Their parents worried about money, too.

B.Their parents no longer worried about money.

C.Their parents even thought about money more than they do.

D.Their parents didn't worry about money at all.

4.The underlined word “unemployed” means____________.

A.the situation when they are out of work

B.the situation when they are punished

C.the situation when they are in great trouble

D.the situation when they are very angry

5.From the passage We can know________________.

A.most British young people are always in trouble

B.some young people in Britain can find jobs

C.most of the British young people are easy to get money

D.what the writer said is not true


热心网友 时间:2024-09-29 10:31


热心网友 时间:2024-09-29 10:23



热心网友 时间:2024-09-29 10:24

be for 是。。。。
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