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发布网友 发布时间:2024-04-12 10:47



热心网友 时间:2024-04-13 11:48

Using the sour wreath in烯 in C of 基 of ester, AN of sour positive E in烯 in C in基 in ester, AN in sour B in烯 in C in基 in ester, AN in sour AN in烯 in C in基 in an ester, AN in sour ice in烯 in C in基 in AN already ester and wreath E two 烯s proceed the Diels- Alder responds, investigate the stereoscopic selectivity that term down respond of different reaction the problem, and pass the best reaction that experiment investigate this reaction the term.The A 基 C 烯 is sour and the hour of its derivatives proceeding Diels- Alder reaction do not follow the inside type rule, passing the changes respond the term.Is under the situation of having no the catalyst esse primarily, proceed the Diels- Alder respond, combining the ester that get proceed the reaction to water solution to get sour with restore the reaction get the 醇 , combining to separate out the outcome, with an inside for proceeding analysis getting A 基 C 烯 sourly and its derivatives proceeding Diels- Alder responding hour features comparison
Wreath E two 烯s study with the stereoscopic selectivity of the sour ester in烯 in C in基 in every kind of A that Diels- Alder respond
Stereoscopic selectivity

热心网友 时间:2024-04-13 11:51

用冰片甲基丙烯酸酯、甲基丙烯酸甲酯、甲基丙烯酸乙酯、甲基丙烯酸正戊酯、甲基丙烯酸环已酯环戊二烯与进行的Diels-Alder反应,考察了解不同反应条件下反应的立体选择性性别比,并通过实验探索出此反应的最佳反应条件. 甲基丙烯酸及其衍生物进行的Diels-Alder反应时不遵循型内规则,通过改变反应条件. 主要是在有无催化剂存在的情况下, 进行的Diels-Alder反应,并得将反应 进行的酯酸水解得到和还原 醇得到响应,并分离出来将产物, 次进行分析得到甲基丙烯酸 其衍生物进行的Diels-Alder反应时 内外型比例 环 戊二烯与各种甲基丙烯酸酯的丁 全身-桤反应的立体选择性研究 立方公尺 体选择性

热心网友 时间:2024-04-13 11:53


热心网友 时间:2024-04-13 11:49


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译文:First of all, I deeply apologize for what troubled you because of the following problems. It is because some of the problems are bugs and some are new requirements. We are going to have a meeting to discuss and so as to solve each tiny parts of every problem this morni...


要翻译的是上面的那段吗?翻译如下:I do English exercises, inside a small joke, expository, small practice etc... Quite suitable for us in the fifth grade students. Can recite words, do the exercises, read the text... Recommend Oh ~你以前的追问我也翻译了:I watched the film ...


4. Sorry, there isn't enough time, I suggest that we skip to the last chapter.


Because you are a friend taught me the most patient of people, and taking care of me Now, however, I have found to talk to you and you have a sense of distance I've been afraid to share with you more Previously dependent on the kind of flu has also been totally lost ...


I'd like us to be straight to each other. (我希望我们可以之间相处可以直接些,这里没有用"honest诚实",因为你们之间并没有什么故意欺骗对方存在,所以‘straight直接’,更能表达坦率的意思)You are not a substitute of anyone. (你不是任何人的替代品)You are who you are. (你就是你)I ...


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谁能帮我翻译一下? 急急急急急急急... 谢了哈。

词汇一般般点的也可以,verbatim 的翻译就 OK 啦。如果是写日记或者essay 的话,语言应该更诗意一点,更 poetic,比如该用 wish I could, 或者 long to (do something)。还得把中文的一些说法翻译成英文的正确 set phrases 或 idioms ,比如:回忆的海边 英语人一般叫作 memory lane,等等。


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Dear guests,Our coffee house's business hours have some changes.From May 1st to 7th,the breakfast time will be adjusted to 6:30-10:30,lunch and dinner will be provided with single choosen or business meals.We deeply apologize for the inconvenience brought to you....

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