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发布网友 发布时间:2024-04-03 18:31



热心网友 时间:2024-04-06 13:14

应该是 Ear Fucking --- Zatox 。 

Lmao ~~~

~ 樱。

热心网友 时间:2024-04-06 13:15

Lady GaGa《 Super Lover 》

oh oh ......your super love......

black pants and designer blue

with my tattoos of 'i love you'

i juts put on these dancing shoes

to prove, my love, for you

i'm living it up
secretly he notices,
i'm.playing it up

for him, i'm playing it up

00:41.40]i'm living it up
[00:43.30]dancing on the tables, as the dj's

[00:46.59]spinning it up, for me
[00:48.42]spinning it up, for me!

[00:50.41]when the sun goes down, and the care ends up
[00:52.52]it's time for the show-oh oh ohh

[00:54.49]plating you to the scene,[

00:55.59]make fake for the queen
[00:56.60]i'm on a role oh oh
[00:58.42]staring my direction
[01:02.10]craving your attention

[01:05.59]so now go back to the beat,
[01:08.00]get up on your feet

[01:09.01]gonna be your super lover!
[01:10.81]right back to the beat,

[01:12.12]get up on your fee
[01:13.22]imma be your sup r over

[01:15.04]oh oh your super lover[01:19.17]oh oh your super
lover[01:23.27]to hot for the masses[01:24.70]she's on
fire,[01:25.70]think i'm gonna let her burn[01:27.50]champaigne in the
glasses,[01:28.86]flip the bottle baby cmon take your
turn[01:31.62]she's on my radar,[01:33.14]catch ya
later[01:34.17]cuz she know ooh ohhs[01:35.71]when i push the
beta,[01:36.96]she ain't leaving me alone[01:39.18]oh oh
oh[01:48.03]i'm living it up[01:49.47]dancing on the tables, as the
dj's[01:52.86]spinning it up, for me[01:54.79]spinning it up, for
me![01:56.47]when the sun goes down, and the care ends up[01:58.67]it's
time for the show-oh oh ohh[02:00.60]plating you to the
scene,[02:01.61]make fake for the queen[02:02.71]i'm on a role oh oh
ohh[02:04.52]staring my direction[02:07.66]craving your
attention[02:11.85]so now go back to the beat,[02:14.21]get up on your
feet[02:15.12]gonna be your super lover![02:17.01]right back to the
beat,[02:18.18]get up on your feet[02:19.31]imma be your super
lover[02:21.19]oh oh your super lover[02:25.43]oh oh your super
the sun goes down, and the care ends up[02:48.31]it's time for the show-oh
oh ohh[02:50.19]plating you to the scene,[02:51.33]make fake for the
queen[02:52.38]i'm on a role oh oh ohh[02:54.27]staring my
direction[02:57.22]craving your attention[03:01.40]so now go back to the
beat,[03:03.85]get up on your feet[03:04.72]gonna be your super
lover![03:06.70]right back to the beat,[03:07.83]get up on your
feet[03:08.89]imma be your super lover[03:10.99]oh oh your super lover[03:15.67]oh oh your super lover[03:20.06]
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