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请帮我解释翻译一下这道英语 问题可以吗,有些地方非常不明白。_百度...

发布网友 发布时间:2024-04-09 09:12



热心网友 时间:2024-04-16 00:49

The twelve gods and flying fairy with eight treasures in hands are on both sides of the Jade Buddha Palace,the master of twelve gods are Magmaton and Great Brahma(who is the Creator of the world)。Let's have a look behind the jade Buddha,there four confucian classics around the jade Buddha which embroidered with the twelve great wishes,the Heart Sutra,the Great Compassion Mantra and ten little Compassion Mantra。The statue of Avalokitesvara which carved by Afghanistan‘s jade behinds the jade Buddha,the Eastern Three Saints which carved by woodcarving craft paint skill with bodiless lacquer is opposite to the Bodhisattva,the Bhaisajyaguru in the middle,the Sunlight Bodhisattva and Moonlight Bodhisattva are on the both sides。After sightseeing,hold up our head again,there is a giant wall painting on the upward of the wall opposite to jade Buddha,it a part of the Buddha Association of Gleaming Bright which comes from the history of Buddhist doctrine。It presents the family of the Bhaisajyaguru which contains the statue of Bhaisajyaguru,the Great eight Bodhisattva,the Great Four Kingkong,twelve gods,two execute Kingkong and so on,the total is 27 statues of Bodhisattva,they are very exquisite,please enjoy it slowly。

热心网友 时间:2024-04-16 00:51

Jade Buddha hall on both sides of worship is twelve gods and handheld sweet
flying fairy. Heads of the 12 days of indra is heaven and the great brahma. (the
great brahma is the creation of the world main). Rear look at, we to jade Buddha
in jade Buddha around four by building, embroider twelve great vows, heart
sutra, the great charm and ten small and four texts. Behind the jade Buddha is
enshrined in Afghanistan jade carved deity guan Yin. Bodhisattva is opposite
relievo mold of the three holy, and the middle is medicine Buddha, bodhisattva
is flanked by sunlight and moonlight bodhisattva. , we looked up again, opposite
the jade Buddha is a large mural on the wall, above the selected from origin
figure part of dharmadhatu is called "Buddha pharmacist lapis lazuli light will
show the pharmacist family. Including medicine guru Buddha and eight
bodhisattvas, four donkey kong, 12 days, two law enforcement transformers and
other 27 like Buddha bodhisattva, is very beautiful, you can slowly appreciate.
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