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麻烦老师解答:With more than 17 00

发布网友 发布时间:2024-04-09 17:47



热心网友 时间:2024-04-11 09:25


Couplets ancient Chinese custom of our country from the dual situation, the Western Jin period (290 years), appeared together on the law about the sentence, visualization an important indicator of its formation. At more than 1700-year history of Chuan-Yan process, couplets with parall...

麻烦老师解答:More than five __

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When searching for more food they will venture into areas with denser foliage.Male giraffes are around 4.8-5.5 m (16-19 ft) tall at the horn tips, and normally weigh 1300-1700 kg (2900-3800 lb) Females are 30-60 cm (1-2 ft) shorter and weigh about 200-400 kg (400-800 lb) less...

Today there are policemen everywhere, but in 1700, London had no...

小题2:本文的第四段第二行有一句So in 1829, the first Metropolitan (or London) Police Force was started with 3,000 officers.表示的含义是在1829年,开始了第一批警察部队,拥有3000名官员,故本题的答案是In 1829.小题3:本题的结构为so……that,that后跟的是一个结果状语从句,意思为以至...

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There is a common misconception that science, like most features of the modern world, started in the 19th century, with earlier time swallowed in the dusk of ignorance. But the onset of modern science occurred no later than the 17th century. It was then that major breakthroughs were made in...


enterprises. Hua Yi and the world more than 30 countries and the local development economics and trade intercourse, is equipped with more than 300 sales subsidiary companies and the special sales agency in each place, in Hong Kong, Ghana sets up the office. The enterprise in 2003 ...


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The Industrial Revolution brought with it an increase in population and urbanization, as well as new social classes. The increase in population was nothing short of dramatic. England and Germany showed a growth rate of something more than one percent annually; at this rate the population would ...

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The Industrial Revolution brought with it an increase in population and urbanization, as well as new social classes. The increase in population was nothing short of dramatic. England and Germany showed a growth rate of something more than one percent annually; at this rate the population would ...

more than enough little more than more than doing for more than much more than any more than more than just not any more more than后面加什么
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