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发布网友 发布时间:2024-04-18 02:49



热心网友 时间:2024-04-24 20:08

1. I want to design an pullovers. A pair of jeans and sports shoes at the end of the soft;
2. First of all, I will design a pullovers, V word from (V-neck), and is red, it is the cotton;
3. Then, I will design a light blue jeans, I do not want them too tight, but should be very comfortable to wear them;
4. Finally, I will design a pair of soft-end sports shoes, leather, color is red, white and white, they are favorites of young people;
5. I am like my design.

热心网友 时间:2024-04-24 20:11

I want to design a piece of pull-over. A jeans and a pair is soft bottom sport footwear; First, I the character designing a piece of pull-over , V is drawn (V-neck), and am red, it is cotton-padded; I will design a Cambridge blue jeans and then, I do not think that they are very tight, but will respond to be have on get up very comfortable; At last , our with the bottom sport footwear , leather designing that a pair is soft, colour is red alternating with white , they are young person's be apt most; I am fond of my design very much.

热心网友 时间:2024-04-24 20:11

1 I want to design a (unlined upper garment. A pair of jeans and a pair of trainers.
2 first , I will design (unlined upper garment, V gets (V - neck), and is red, it is made of cotton.
3 then, I will design a shallow blue jeans, I didn't want them, and should be too tight very comfortable.
4. Finally, I will design a pair of trainers, leather, color is red and white, they are young people love.
5. I really like my design.
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