发布时间:2022-04-21 01:19
时间:2022-06-17 01:49
Foul Stroke - a shot or action that infringes the rules, incurring a penalty
Free Ball - the option to play at and pot any ball, awarded after a foul shot ends in a snooker
Maximum - a scoring sequence in which the player scores the maximum of 147 points
Miscue - incorrect striking of the cue ball
Object Ball - the target ball
Pocket - the holes created for the balls to be potted into
Side Spin - the effect of striking the cue ball off centre
Snooker - when the object ball is obstructed, making it difficult for your opponent to make a legal shot
Spider - implement for cueing over another ball
Top Spin - the spin placed on the white when struck at the top
Address 瞄球,击球准备动作
Advice 对别人的打法或其它技术上的事项提出建议
Again 重新击球,Play again 的缩写
Against logy 加一杆赛
Against par 标准击杆赛,以规定击球次数作对象,来决定胜负。各球洞规定"击球次数"和"实际击球次数"之比,得胜球洞越多越好
Against wind 逆风、顶风
Albtross 双鹰,比标准杆少三杆
Approach 近距离切球,即在果岭附近要把球打上果岭时称之 Approach cleek 轻击球杆,铁杆的一种,作推球进洞之用
Approach part 轻击区推杆,使球靠近小旗竿的长推杆 Approve 比赛结束之署名 Apron 球洞四周草坡,草地四周下垂斜面
Arc 杆头弧线,挥杆时,杆头经过的轨道
Arwy 计分杆数(前九洞的成绩取决于handleap)
Atert 正确记号(比赛结束后记分员检查记分卡证明"无误")
Attend 陪伴(杆弟陪伴之意)
Average golfer 球技中等者(差点15~20者)
Back 朝后、向后
Back sole 朝后杆头底部
Back spin 回旋球(使用铁杆正确下击,球成反旋转)
Back swing 上杆
Back tee 发球区
Bad luck 球运欠佳
Baffy 4号木杆
Balance 平衡
Ball mark 球落下来之后打在地上所造成的痕迹
Balls up 数球,计算比赛结束的球洞,得胜球洞数从对方球洞数中扣除而剩余者
Banana Ball 美式称右曲球
Basebll grip 自然握杆法
Batting leg 击球腿(指左脚而言)
Bent grass 常绿草
Best ball 好球,以最少的杆数进洞,此项比赛以一人、二人、三人为一组进行,各球洞与对方最少的杆数相对抗
Birdie 小鸟球,或博蒂,低于标准杆一杆 Bit 打赌 Bite 强后施球 Black 碳纤木杆
Blade 扁平部
Blast 沙坑打球法,也叫作explosion shot,击烈的打沙坑里的沙,使球飞出去 Blind 盲点,目标由于树木或地形起伏看不见的时候。另外一个意思是按照得分差失决定胜负
Blind Hole 遮掩洞
Blow up 失势(不能挽回的混乱比赛)
Boger competition 标准杆数和个人杆数差异的比分赛
Bogey 补给,也称"柏忌",高于标准杆一杆
Bone 羊角,为了避免球杆头的底部断裂,而插进去的羊角
Booby 倒数第一,又称BB奖、精神奖
Brassie 2号木杆
Bunker 沙坑
Caddie 球僮
Caddie Fee 球僮费
Card 记分卡
Carrid honor 优先开球数:后半球洞中,得高分者在次一开洞区仍超前击球者
Carry 击球进洞:击球后球落到地面的距离
Cart 球车
Casual water 临时出现水区(雨水或地下水临时出现的积水区)
Casual Water 临时积水区
Chip 低飞球
Chip shot 打出滚地球让球滚进球洞
Circuit 巡回赛
Claim *(比赛中对方违反规则所提出的意见)
Clean 直接击球
Clear 过洞,球员通过的球洞
Cleek 5号木杆
Close 朝内
Close Championship 非公开赛(参加者限特定人员)
Close stance 封闭站姿 - 左脚稍向前,左奔站姿,挥杆时右脚略拉向后方姿势
Close stuce 朝内站姿
Close tee 球停在草坪地带短草上
Closed stance 闭合式击球姿势
Club 球杆
Club face 杆面:杆头击球面
Club handicap 俱乐部名人赛:各俱乐部登记的高得分者,不被公开赛所认可
Club head 杆头
Club house 俱乐部会所
Club House 会所
Club length 杆长:侧定球位置距离的标准
Club Rental 球具出租
Cock 屈腕挥杆:在swing时,左手腕向姆指方向弯的一个动作。移向上挥前,弯曲手腕挥动
Compition 比赛
Compititor 比赛者
Compression 高尔夫球本身的硬度
Course 比赛场地之全貌,包括18个洞的全部。公开赛全场须达5944公尺,18个球洞
Course 球场
Course record 球场记录
Cross lunker 遮断球路障碍物,侵入草坪地带的障碍物
Cuppy lie 打低漥地带加以击出 Cut 切击 Cut in 切入:中途加入比赛,不顾球场顺序的玩法
Cut up 击高球
Dead 死球:掉落地点,球不能转动而停止
Death grip 握杆僵硬(过度用力握住球杆)
Dig in 挖地
Digging 杆头击中地面
Dipping 倾斜
Displasing ball 换置球位
Disqualify 取消比赛资格
Distarb 妨碍
Ditch 球路沟渠
Divot 杆头削去草皮、草痕
Dog leg 狗腿洞
Dorwy 领先球洞剩余球洞相同
Double bogey 比标准杆多二杆
Double Eagle 双老鹰,低于标准杆三杆
Doulble Bogey 双柏忌,高出标准杆二杆
Down Swing 下杆
Draw 左曲球
Drive 发球
Driver 木杆
Driving countest 击球比赛
Driving Range 练习场
Drop 在遗失球或其它状况要将球重新定位时,令球由空中自由落下 Drop 抛球 Duff 打到球的底部
Dyuawite 厚杆头球杆(弯形9号铁杆,底部厚而重,乃打击落入障碍球前的沙粒用)
Each 保持击数:各自得分。例如:6each为各击出6次 Eagle 老鹰,低于标准杆二杆
Early cock 早期曲腕(Set and Swing)
Edge 果岭及障碍物球洞等四周边缘
Edge 果岭边缘
Entrance fee 入场费
Entry 申请
Even 同分(打击数相等者)
Event 比赛项目
Extra hole 延长比赛用球洞:若规定球洞中之进球数未决胜负,则追加之以决定胜负
Face 球杆面
Fade 右曲球
Fade ball 落地时往右滚的球
Fairway 球道
Fairway banker 草坪地带的沙坑
Fairway wood 球道用木杆
Fast green 快速滑球果岭
Fellow competitor 同伴竞技者
Finger grip 手指握杆法:与自然握杆法相对称,有强握及叠握两种
Finish 完成最后一洞
Flange 厚底(杆头底部较厚者)
Flat swing 平挥杆:指以接近横向的打法挥杆,这是矮个子的挥杆法
Floater 浮球(水面浮动的球)
Fluke 侥幸打中
Follow through 送球:自球杆击到球之后到结束的这一段动作
Follow wind 顺风(也可以说Fallow)
Fore 躲开(击球者提醒他人注意后方来球)
Fore caddie 前方服务员:杆弟的一种。未了解目标所在,便由此人站在该处,比赛时当做局外人,不得由选手自己雇用
Form 姿势
Four ball match 四球比赛(与双组比赛不同,由两组最低的杆数决定胜负)
Foursome 一组二人同他组对抗,各组相互击出一个球
Fried Egg 荷包蛋(形容球在沙坑内)
Friendly match 同伴亲善比赛
Fringe 果岭边缘
Front tee 前方球座(妇女或一般球技者用)
Full face 高挥杆面
Full Set 整组球杆(14支)
Full swing 高挥杆
Furrow 障碍平整后残留地面的痕迹
General rule 基本规则
Glass lunker 地障碍物草
Gloves 手套
Goose neck blade 鹅头刃部:杆柄及头部连接处,如鹅颈般弯曲的轻击杆
Gray norman 葛雷?诺曼,高尔夫名将
Green 果岭:在洞口附近,特别将草修的很平整的地区,只能用推杆
Green Fee 果岭费
Green guard bunker 果岭边缘的沙坑
Green keeper 果岭管理者
Grip 基本握杆法
Grooved swing 正确挥杆动作
Gross 总杆
Ground address 杆头触地
Ground under epair 待修复之地
Guard 保护(配置在果岭 四周,难以接近的障碍物)
Half 半场
Half swing 轻挥杆(打击一半距离的方法)
Halls up 数球(计算比赛结束的球洞,得胜球洞数从对方球洞数中扣除而剩余者)
Hand first 右手从上覆盖的握杆法
Handicap 差点:与赛者的实力与标准杆之差数。例如:某人实力92杆,其与标准杆72杆差20点,则其差点为20
Handicap 差点
Hazard 障碍:指水障碍、沙坑及如耙子等可移动障碍
Hazards 障碍
Hdcp 表示困难球洞顺序
Head 杆头
Head 杆头
Head-speed 杆头速度
Holable 一击能进洞的近球
Hole 球洞:直径10.79公分,深度10.16公分以上
Hole 球洞
Hole down 净负洞数(分洞比赛时所输的球洞数)
Hole in one 一杆进洞,在开球座上一杆进洞
Hole in One 一杆进洞
Hole match 分洞比赛,跟Match play同一个意思
Hole out 在高尔夫比赛中,不管多么接近,均要将球击入洞中,叫做Hole out。球进入洞中,加以取出,结束该球洞比赛之意
Honor 优先发球者
Honorable member 荣誉会员
Hook 左旋球、左曲球,实际上是开始时击到右边去,然后再弯到左侧
Hook face 偏左杆面
Hook grip 偏左握杆
Howe 第十八洞
Imaginary line 假设线
Impact 击球的瞬间
Impact face 击球面
In 后九洞
In lounce 允许比赛的地区
In play 进行比赛中:指开球到球进洞而言
In playable 死球(球进入不能打击处)
In side 内侧
Indoor 室内
Inland course 内地球场,山区或平野球场
Inside out 向外挥杆,挥杆时的杆头由内侧挥向外侧
Inside to inside 杆头的轨道由内向外挥,最后又回到内侧来
Intentional slice 定向右偏球:下意识击出的右偏球,属于高级球技
Inter club watch 运动协会对抗赛
Inter locking 连锁握杆法
Interface 障碍
Into the cup 使球从四个入口滚入球洞的方法
Invitation warch 邀请赛
Iron 铁杆
Jack Nicolas 杰克?尼克劳斯
Jerk 猛击
Jerking 猛击球:用杆柄及头部连接处击球
Jigger 10号铁杆或11号铁杆
Just middle 正中球心
Kick 反弹球
Kill 用力出球
Lady Tee 女子发球区
Last call 最后比赛:年度结束举办的比赛
Last hole 最后一洞,决定胜负的最后一洞
Late bitt 解开曲腕
Late beginner 中年才学打球者
Lateral water hazard 侧面水障碍
Lead 引导
Length 长度:球场距离
Lie 球位:杆柄和球杆底部的角度
Lie 球位置
Lift 挑高球,将球击高
Like 二人要击数相同
Line 指推球线,球与洞中这连线
Links 球场
Lip 洞边:球洞边缘
List action 手腕动作
Local knowledge 熟悉各球场特性
Local rule 当地规则或特别规则
Loft 球杆的倾斜度、击球面的角度
Loft 球杆面之角度
Long putt 推杆距离
Long thumb 拇指伸长
Looping 飞球弧线偏左,飞球线不平行而偏向内侧
Loose grip 轻握
Loose impediment 非固定障碍物,如球场内树叶、石块等
Lost ball 遗失球
Makable 有足够可能性将球推击入洞的推击
Master 名人,高手
Masters 大师赛,名人赛
Neck 杆头,球杆的颈部 - 同socket`shank
Net score 净杆,净杆数 - 同net
Never up 'never in [不到之球,不入其洞] 高尔夫球推杆技术格言。距离不到球洞的球决不可能进洞,即建议球员在进行推击时用力要宁大毋小
New way of flat Swing 新型平式挥杆
Nine 9洞的高尔夫球场 - 18洞或更大的规模球场中的连续9个洞
Nine-iron 9号铁杆 - 杆面倾角45-48度、放置着地角62-64度、长度35英寸、击球距离105-140码左右的铁杆。 别称niblick
Nineteenth-Hole/19th hole 第十九洞
No return 未提交记分卡,弃权
Nose 鼻,特指木杆杆头的趾部 - 同toe
Number 号码,球杆的番号
OB 界外 - 见 out of bound
Obstruction 妨碍物
Odd 在比洞赛中,一洞中比对手多一杆的击球
Official 正式的,公认的
Official ompetiton 正式比赛
Official scale 球杆测重计
Offset 铁杆的杆头较杆身轴线销稍偏后的状态
On 球位于球洞区上
Opponent 比洞赛中的对手
Out 十八洞高尔夫球场中前九洞的俗称
Out course 十八洞球场中的前九洞
Over 1.超过 球越过目标,打得过远
2.超过规定的标准杆数 如超过标准一杆为[one over par]
Over clubbing 在向球洞区打球时因为选用了较必要的球杆大的杆而将球打过了球洞区 通常说[杆用大了]
Over drive 发球距离远,在发球区打出的球较一起打球的其它人远得多
Overlap 重叠式握杆
Overspin 正旋,上旋,击球后球向击球线方向旋转
Over swing 过度挥杆 - 过度挥杆是指因上挥杆的动作幅度过大而使挥杆动作的平衡破坏
Pairing 比杆赛中两个球员一起打球的编组
Par break 打出较标准杆低的成绩
Park\parkland 短草区域较多、只有少部分长草区的球场
Pass 先行通过 - 指在寻找球或打球延误时请后续组的球员先行通过
Peg 球座 - 以木头或塑料制作用来在发球时架球的球座 同tee peg
Penalty 处罚 - 指对于违反规则行为施加的处罚。一般分为罚杆、罚距离和取消资格几类
Penalty stroke 罚杆 - 规则规定:{[罚杆]是指按照相应规则条款对球员或一方的分数施加的杆数}
PGA 职业高尔夫球员协会的简称 - 全称为Professional Golfers' Association
PGA Tour 职业巡回赛 - 由职业高尔夫球员协会组织的职业巡回赛
Pill 球
Pimple 属于多近钩子属植物,欧洲黑莓:荆棘
Pin 对旗杆的俗称 - 作为目标时也指球洞 见flagstick
Pin placement\pin position 球洞在球洞区上的位置 - 比赛前一般委员会会确定各洞位置并将有资料在赛前发给选手
Pinsetter 负责确定球洞位置的指定人员
Pinsetting 球洞位置 - 同 pin placement
Pitch 切击,劈起击球 击球方式的一种,打出球的具有很高的弹道,特别具有明显的倒旋,通常用于近距离内将球打上球洞区或使球越过有麻烦的区域
Pitch-and- 仅使用劈起杆和推杆的小型短距离球场 每洞标准杆都是3杆
Puttpitch-and-run 腾滚球 - 在球洞区周围近距离球的打法之一
Pitch-in 直接切击入洞
Pitching irons 1. 短铁杆
2. 八号铁杆的旧称 - 同 lofter`pitching niblick
Pitching niblick 八号铁杆的别称 - 同pitching iron`lofter
Pitching wedge 劈起杆 - 特殊铁杆的一种,球杆杆面的倾角度约为四十八至五十二度,放置着地角63-65度,球杆长度35英寸,是打近距离时常用的球杆
Pitch shot 劈起球,腾起球 - 在球洞区周围近距离球的打法之一
Pivot 挥杆过程中肩、躯干和脊柱的回旋轴,扭转枢轴 挥杆过程中身体沿着中心轴扭转的过程。如果中心轴出现偏移会导致击球失误
Place 1.地点,场所
Plateau 1.高原,顶部为平面的高丘,台地
Plateaued 座落于高丘上的,位于高丘上
Plateau gren 台形球洞区
Plus-man 具有较无差点球员更低差点的球员,差点为负数的高水平球员
Point 点,得分,要点
Pop 近距离高抛球,球杆头直接从球下面通过,打出的球很快高高飞起
Pot bunker 锅盆状沙坑 指深而小,坑壁陡峭的沙坑
Regular 标示球杆杆身硬度的符号,表示杆身硬度为一般标准硬度
Radiused sole 弧形杆底、铁杆底部呈弧形的状态
R & A(Royal and Ancient) 英国高尔夫球协会正式名称应为 [皇家古代高尔夫球俱乐部(Royal & Ancient Golf Club)]
Rake 1.铁杆的一种,有较大的杆面倾角,由杆面底部向上有坚直的锯齿形沟槽,用于打位 于水中或者沙坑中的球 现在已不再使用
2. 沙耙 - 用于平整沙坑内沙的耙子
Range 击球练习场 - 同driving range
Ranking 名次,排名
Rap 果断而有力地推击
Read 阅读球洞区,认真察看和理解球洞区的起伏和草纹
Roll in 推击入洞
Roll over 转腕动作 - 在冲击球过程中,双手和双手手腕的回转动作,也称 wrist turn
Takeaway 上挥杆
Take back 后摆杆;上挥杆
Take away 后摆杆的启动
Tap in 将很短的推击击球入洞
Tap-in 非常短的推击
Tee box 发球区
Teed\teed up 位于球洞区通道上的球处于浮位
Tee holder 球座夹 - 用于携带不座的小用具,可以将球座插在上面
Tee-shot 发球区上的第一杆,在发球区上的第一次击球
Tenfinger grip 十指握杆法 - 握杆方法的一种。 同baseball grip`matural grip
Texas Scramble 得克萨斯最佳球位置 - 比赛方法的一种,基本与scramble相同,只是球位被选用的球员在自己的球位处不能击球,只能在下一杆选定的球位处打球
Texas wedge 得克萨斯铁杆,推杆的别称
Thin 打“薄”了 - 指在击球时球杆杆头打在球中心的上部
Three-putt 三推击
Touch 非常精巧的击球
Tour 巡回赛,巡回分站赛
Shot touring pro 职业巡回赛球员
Tournament 巡回赛 - 指分站进行的大型赛事
Trap 1.沙坑 - 同sand trap
I'd like to play golf.
I'd like to play golf. (我想打高尔夫球。)
Who would you like to play with? (和谁打呀?)
Would you like to golf tomorrow?
Would you like to golf tomorrow? (明天打高尔夫球,好吗?)
I'd like to. (我挺想去的。)
How would you like to play golf tomorrow?
Do you want to play golf tomorrow?
Would you be interested in playing golf tomorrow?
Do you want to join me?
Would you like to play golf with me?
Are there any golf courses around here?
How much is it per person?
How much is it per day?
Are there any extra charges?
Is there any extra charge?
Can I rent the equipment? *equipment 表示“用具,必需品”。
Please make a reservation for golf.
Would you make a reservation for golf? (能帮我预约高尔夫球吗?)
I'd like to make golf reservations.
When would you like to play?
When do you want to play?
This Friday, if possible.
There are four of us.
What time are we starting?
Angles - the lines created to the pockets between balls
角度 – 在球袋和球之间形成的线路
Break - a sequence of scoring shots - the number of points scored in one go
一杆球 – 连续击球得分,即击打一杆后所得的总分
Backspin - the effect of striking the cue ball below centre
缩杆 – 击打主球球心以下的位置后所产生的结果
Baulk Line - the line upon which the yellow, green and brown spots are positioned
发球线 – 黄球、绿球和棕球置点之前的那道线
Break Off - the first shot of the match, played with the cue ball in the "D"
开球 – 比赛中开出的第一杆,此杆要击打开球区中的主球
Bottle - the term given to a player’s ability to ①cope with pressure
抗压力 – 用来形容选手承受压力能力的术语
Chalk - the substance used on the cue tip providing grip between the leather and the cue ball
滑石粉 – 在球杆杆头使用的物质,其作用是加大皮头和主球之间的摩擦
Cue - wooden implement used for playing
球杆 – 用于比赛的木制用具
Cue Ball - the "white" ball; the only ball struck with the cue
主球 – “白”球;唯一可以用球杆击打的球
Cushion - rubber surrounds covered with ze
台岸 – 外覆粗呢的橡胶边岸
"D" - the semi-circle on the baulk line from which all starting strokes must be played
开球区 – 发球线上的半圆形区域,所有的开杆都必须在这一区域完成
Extension - fitted to the butt of the cue, providing additional cue length
加长杆 – 接在球杆杆尾,以便增加球杆长度
时间:2022-06-17 01:49
时间:2022-06-17 01:50
Golf is a precision club and ball sport, in which competing players (or golfers) use many types of clubs to hit balls into a series of holes on a golf course using the fewest number of strokes.
It is one of the few ball games that does not require a standardized playing area. Instead, the game is played on golf "courses", each of which features a unique design, although courses typically consist of either nine or 18 holes. Golf is defined, in the rules of golf, as "playing a ball with a club from the teeing ground into the hole by a stroke or successive strokes in accordance with the Rules."
Golf competition is generally played for the lowest number of strokes by an indivial, known simply as stroke play, or the lowest score on the most indivial holes ring a complete round by an indivial or team, known as match play.
Main article: History of golf
While the modern game of golf originated in 15th century Scotland, the game's ancient origins are unclear and much debated. Some historians[3] trace the sport back to the Roman game of paganica, in which participants used a bent stick to hit a stuffed leather ball. One theory asserts that paganica spread throughout Europe as the Romans conquered most of the continent, ring the first century BC, and eventually evolved into the modern game.[4] Others cite chuiwan ("chui" means striking and "wan" means small ball) as the progenitor, a Chinese game played between the eighth and 14th centuries.[5] A Ming Dynasty scroll dating back to 1368 entitled "The Autumn Banquet" shows a member of the Chinese Imperial court swinging what appears to be a golf club at a small ball with the aim of sinking it into a hole. The game is thought to have been introced into Europe ring the Middle Ages. Another early game that resembled modern golf was known as cambuca in England and chambot in France.[6] This game was, in turn, exported to the Low Countries, Germany, and England (where it was called pall-mall, pronounced “pell mell”).[citation needed] Some observers,[who?] however, believe that golf descended from the Persian game, chaugán. In addition, kolven (a game involving a ball and curved bats) was played annually in Loenen, Netherlands, beginning in 1297, to commemorate the capture of the assassin of Floris V, a year earlier.
The modern game originated in Scotland, where the first written record of golf is James II's banning of the game in 1457, as an unwelcome distraction to learning archery.[7] To many golfers, the Old Course at St Andrews, a links course dating to before 1574, is considered to be a site of pilgrimage.[8] Golf is documented as being played on Musselburgh Links, East Lothian, Scotland as early as 2 March 1672, which is certified as the oldest golf course in the world by Guinness World Records.[9][10] The oldest surviving rules of golf were compiled in March 1744 for the Company of Gentlemen Golfers, later renamed The Honourable Company of Edinburgh Golfers, which was played at Leith, Scotland.[11] The world's oldest golf tournament in existence, and golf's first major, is The Open Championship, which was first played on 17 October 1860 at Prestwick Golf Club, in Ayrshire, Scotland.[12]
时间:2022-06-17 01:50