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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-03 06:52



热心网友 时间:2023-10-13 08:19

As the fossil energy depleted, the energy issue has become a influence human survival and development of the constraints, and fossil fuels is pollution. Solar energy is a kind of renewable clean energy. The solar cell is an important way of promoting the use of solar energy, and silver slurry is the key to make solar cells of raw materials, the quality of the silver paste on the preparation of the battery performance play a key role, preparation of quality of silver paste is the key to make efficient low-cost solar cells. Organic carrier as an important part of conctive paste preparation, and organic carrier directly affects the quality of the silver conctive paste printing quality. At present, the preparation methods and the formula of organic vehicle more mix and does not exist a relatively high quality organic carrier preparation method, thereby inhibiting the domestic silver pulp manufacturing technology and the innovation of solar cell development into the "bottleneck. Therefore, to research and development of a high quality and efficiency of both organic carrier is imminent.
Based on nano-silver electronic pastes with organic carrier as the research object, studies the conctive function for 2 ~ 4 microns, and organic carrier preparation of conctive silver pulp and glass melt blending process. To use silk screen printing process, tubular resistance furnace and muffle furnace sintering preparation into silver conctive membrane. Studied the ratio of different solvents and volatile organic carrier characteristic on the surface and different ratio of slurry viscosity, thixotropy, silver film sheet resistance, optimization of the organic carrier, silver paste a better formula, test the performance of conctive silver pulp and silver film, the preparation of solar cell sheet with silver film conctor paste, get the following results:
(1) the turpentine, 1, 4 - butyrolactone, terpineol, butyl carbitol, glycerin, phthalic acid dibutyl carrier for organic solvent, hierarchical volatilization characteristics, volatile range in 110 ~ 300 ℃. Omega (turpentine) = 10%, omega (1, 4 - butyrolactone) = 15%, omega (terpineol) = 35%, omega (butyl carbitol) = 10%, omega (glycerin) = 10%, omega (phthalic acid dibutyl) = 10%.
Ethyl cellulose (2) to explore the impact on the viscosity of organic carrier, in the system when the ethyl cellulose content reaches 4%, the viscosity of 3.0 Pa. S.
(3) to explore the division of class 85 rheological effect of organic carrier, in the system when the content of the class of 85 reached 1.5%, 0.5 maximum viscosity difference.
(4) explore the polyamide wax thixotropy of organic carrier, in the system when the polyamide wax reaches 0.4%, the viscosity value of 3.0 Pa. S, thixotropic index was 2.9.
(5) explore the stretch film agent for organic carrier, in the system when furoic acid content of 4%, the elongation of 17.83.
(6) the best formula is: silver paste silver powder: 75%, glass powder: 5%, organic carrier: 20%. Silver conctive membrane performance: the resistance is 5.294 m Ω/mouth.
Key words: conctive paste; Organic carrier; Silver pulp; Levels of volatile; Thixotropy.

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